You are not alone!

You are not alone,
Yes, there are tough times,
But we have good people besides,
Yes, there are sad happenings,
But there are happy memories,
Yes, you have fought very hard,
But never give up, be your life's guard,
You are not alone, my friend. 

You are not alone,
Yes, it's tough to express out at times,
But please, talk it out, at least try,
Yes, you can always cry,
Show your emotions, please don't hide,
You'll always get people to talk and guide,
Never give up, stand by your own side,
Your are not alone , my friend.

We are not alone,
Yes, we meet many people in our day,
Hi, how are you, hope all well, we all say,
If we feel something's wrong, even if not,
Say we are there for you, no matter what,
It might not sound so great,
But surely will bring a smile on their face,
Will make them feel confident,
With us, this world, and people near them,
Listen to them who are in need,
Patiently, just keep listening and you'll help them indeed,
No matter what, we are there with them,
Just keep saying it, to people we meet,
We are not alone, is a great way to greet.

Mental health is to be recognized,
People suffering are to be identified,
Just like any other disease,
Not to be ashamed of any of these,
Depression, anxiety, traumas, disorders, 
There are many,
We don't know, all or any,
We don't know how the patient is feeling,
Just get them a professional consultation, for their well being,
I'll just repeat, keep saying,
We'll be there for you, express your feelings.

खिड़कियां, पुरानी और नई

समय बदल रहा आस पास हमारे जैसे,
हमारे घरोँ की खिड़कियां भी बदल रही वैसे,
पहले घर बैठे देखते खिड़कयों से हम,
मैदान में खेल रहे बच्चों को,
हस्ते खिलखिलाते, याद करते अपना बचपन,
आते जाते पड़ोसियों और दोस्तों के,
हाल पूछते निकलता दिन भर,
अपने जो पास है , उनसे बतिया कर,
और जो दूर हैं, उन्हें याद करके ।

समय बदल रहा आस पास हमारे जैसे,
हमारे घरोँ की खिड़कियां भी बदल रही वैसे,
नई खिड़कियां हम सबके हाथों में,
कुछ मेज़ पर रखी है, कुछ हमारी गोद में,
बहुत अच्छी कभी यह लगती,
दूर बैठे अपनों से मिलना ,
पूरे संसार का ज्ञान ले पाना,
विश्व के सारे लोगों से मिल पाना,
दुनिया में किसी से कुछ भी हो सीखना,
और किसी को कुछ भी सिखाना,
कोई कला, नौकरी, पढ़ाई या फिर सब कुछ,
एक उंगली पे मुमकिन हो जाना,
सोचा ना कभी ऐसा भी था होना |

बदली खिड़कियां, बदले इनके अंदाज़,
पहले दिखते थे आते जाते इंसान,
अब दिखती हैं सिर्फ उनकी बनाई पहचान,
इन खिड़कियों से सच्चाई ढूंढ़ पाना, बिल्कुल नहीं आसान,
असली या नकली, मिथ्या या वास्तविक,
सच हो या झूठ, या फिर हो कुछ भी और, 
बस देखना दिखाना बन गया इस जीवन का दौर,
पहले खुले रहते थे हमारी खिड़कियां दरवाज़े,
सभी क लिए, हो जरूरतमंद या कोई अपने,
मुश्किल हुआ अब समझ पाना, 
किसे reply और किसे ignore करें ।

खबरें आती पहले अखबारों में, प्रतिदिन,
छापना होता महंगा, आसानी से दिखती सच्चाई,
बदलने में खबरों को, लगता कम से कम एक दिन,
आज इन खिड़कियों से , हर पल इतनी खबरें है आती,
हर क्षण बदलती, लिख देता कोई कुछ भी, 
अखबारों और किताबों को नहीं यह भाती।

खोलते ही यह खिड़कियां,
लग जाता है ढेर ,
खबर, आर्टिकल, फोटो , वीडियो का,
क्या है वास्तविक, और क्या विज्ञापन,
इसी भ्रम में गुम हो कर,
इस ढेर में से थोडा कुछ देखकर,
फिर बंद कर देते हैं खिड़की,
इस आशा में कि अगली बार खोलेंगे,
मिलेगा कुछ नया, कुछ मीठा कुछ नमकीन,
विज्ञापनों से विचलित हम होकर,
नहीं समझ पाते, क्या है जरूरत, नहीं खानी है ठोकर ।

बहुत कुछ अलग है इन नई खिड़कियों में,
लिखने को है इतना,
कि फिर सोच में पड़ जाएंगे मन में,
आशा है कि हम इन खिड़कियों को,
सच्चाई और अच्छाई की ओर ले जाएं,
झूठ और नकली को परख पाएं,
और फिर से एक बार अपनों और जरूरतमंदों को ,
नए तरीकों से इन नई खिड़कियों से भी जान पाएं।

Yes, I should go there!

There are moments and decisions in life when we want to take the road not taken, or do something different, or go somewhere unknown, for something better, for some goals that we had set for our lives, and our closed ones are scared for us going there, because they love us , they care for us. 
This is for us who want blessings , not fear and smiles not tears from our loved ones. 
Wrote originally for a student wanting to go to a university far away in an unknown city to study , but I think this might help everyone who face something similar. 

Yes, I should go there,
I know that's not usual,
But going there is very crucial,
I know that's a road not yet taken,
But that's all that makes a difference happen,
Yes, I should go there,

I know how you feel,
I understand your heartbeat,
When the place I am going seems unknown,
You love me, care for me, I've always known,
I feel you're very scared,
That makes me deeply sad,
But please try to understand,
Your happiness boosts my confidence,
Your encouragement gives me strength,
It's an opportunity I have fought hard for,
And an achievement that we have wished long for,
A place that's a dream to be,
A step ahead which a great future ahead sees,
Just smile , bless and say yes,
Yes, I should go there.

There always lies something good,
Ahead of a tough choice,
I promise you will be proud later and rejoice,
I will make all of this worth it,
When we all will scream and admit,
It was great that I went there. 

Don't worry!!

When I , you, or any of us is unhappy because of something or someone that we can't do anything about and feel helpless, I have written below something for them. Please read as if some power, god or nature is saying you all of this when you are sad . I wish you to be happy always but if in case you are facing some difficult situations, hope this helps in your times of unhappiness. :)

Oh dear , my lovely child,
You are so loving and kind,
You are beautiful, I'm saying by heart,
Don't worry my child, never fall apart,
Seek happiness inside yourself,
Don't cry because of anything outside,
You are luckier than many on the other sides,
Not all things we can control ourselves,
Don't get sad because of someone else,
You are the one living your life,
Leading a successful, cherishing life,
So happily, luckily with all your close humans,
Then why seek happiness in some other thing or a human,
You will surely get all your wants one day,
Just relax, be happy with yourself for today,
Believe in yourself, I know you do,
Just keep reminding yourself everyday,
That you are the best in whatever you do,
No one can look down on you,
And if someone does, will surely regret it too,
I know you my child, from inside out,
You will get the best, I am saying it out loud.

PS : Wrote this for a friend initially when she was sad!

Nature, Earth and Environment : The sapiens' parents

Happy world environment day!!


We all got to take birth,

On this wonderful earth,

We all got to grow up better,

With this ever giving nature,

We all got to eat food and get nutrition,

With our very own trees and plantations,

We all got to quench our thirst and drink water,

With our mountains, oceans and rivers,

We all got to do all we want to,

With the resources we all have access to,

The earth, nature and environment,

Like parents, they have brought all of us up,

As guardians, they have cared, gave us all,

As our shield, protected us from hazards all,

We, sapiens, developed civilizations,

Built some unbelievable creations,

Did everything possible with our strength and brains,

To survive, live the best life, powerful we became,

Yes, change is the rule of nature,

Growth and developments all are essential,

And very important for this world's survival,

But till we don't give back to our parents,

Nature, this earth and the environment,

Till we aren't responsible and care for them,

This cycle of life , won't complete then,

Which might get really bad soon,

We won't leave a good place for the next generations,

If we don't do this now, it will get worse soon,

Given the current numbers and situations,

Given the current rate of decline of our parents' health,

This world, as a whole, soon won't have any strength,

This is the time that they need us badly,

And we can surely change ourselves,

Our lifestyle to keep them safe, happy and healthy,


So, Let's pledge to do this for our parents,

Let's give back and take care of them, the earth, nature and environment,

Let's try to consciously use the resources we have,

Let's try to plant a tree, or take care of the ones we have,

Let's try to keep our earth green and clean,

Let's not waste and do more reuse, reduce and recycle,

Let's just do our bit in any way we can.


Thank you