Aren't we humans? Has our humanity surrendered?

Recently, an innocent little girl was brutally raped and murdered,

The reality strikes hard, but aren't we humans? Has our humanity surrendered?

A serious worry is that the world is not even worrying,

About what’s happening to our fellow human beings,

It’s not about one girl, It’s about every other person,

Who is being tortured or harassed, physically or mentally by another human,

Aren't we humans? Can’t we feel emotions and pain of someone’s cries?

Aren't we humans? Doesn’t seem far that our humanity completely dies!


This is about every being that we come across,

Known or unknown, friend or acquaintance, anyone in our lives we cross,

May be a hungry child on the roadside,

Or a blind person in the need for a hand to guide,

Or a child working in glass factory risking his life for a day’s meal,

Or an underprivileged discriminated person unable to find work,

Just because for the employer, his colour, caste, religion etc is a big deal,

All these people, even more, we find every other day,

We all already have empathy, just a little effort shall change someone’s day!


When even one human being suffers a pain,

Be it a rape, murder, harassment, torture, discrimination or disdain,

Or even the smallest of the behavior that’s inhumane,

Our humanity dies every second this happens,

The world gets shattered, loses its precious compassion,

The criminals should surely be punished the hardest of all,

Examples need to be set, by us, before the next generation crawls,

The laws should worry the most about justice to all these victims,

Each passing day the justice gets delayed, another criminal’s motivation kicks in!

Be it lawmakers, law implementers, a common man , a criminal, a victim or the victim's family,

Each one of us has emotions and pain, empathy and compassion, inside ourselves surely, 

Still these crimes are happening everywhere, criminals roaming freely, shouldn't we be shattered?

Aren't we humans? Has our humanity really surrendered?




Oh these flowers, so peaceful to eyes they seem,

Colorful beauty amidst the shades of green,

They come and go, fall and grow,

Tell me everyday is new and different,

Do your best, and trust the flow,

Some days, there are no signs of color and flowers,

But the beautiful buds afterwards are surely worth the wait of days and hours, 

When in lack of hopes, these new born buds smile and wave,

Thank you mother nature, what an inspiration you gave,

Feels like there's always something good for tomorrow,

Just keep working, it'll all be worth it, even if today's sorrow,

Watching them grow into flowers blooming,

Is like finding the meaning of life, watching yourself growing,

Each one in its own way, at its own pace,

Just keeps rising and shining, to find itself, enhance and then embrace,

Then when they bend, become pale and the colors move away,

The petals fall one by one, as if change is the rule of nature, and nothing is to always stay,

The nature keeps us grounded, to value what we have,

And inspires to keep moving, fly higher, work for good and be brave,

As life is a beautiful mix of good, bad, best and worst,

Happy-sad, laugh-cry, something last in life might have in it something first.


A boat's thoughts

Hi, writing this on behalf of a boat. 

I started, was scared, but bold and brave,
Left my land, my peace, having a lot of guts,
Where I was comfortable, but stuck,
Left the place, the land where I was born,
For the world, the water where I was meant for,
Got out of my stationary comfort zone,
For a moving experience, that was my own,
High tides, cyclones, rains and so many ups and downs,
But I kept moving, I kept floating,
Never let myself down,
There are days with sunshine,
Showing me what path to drive,
And nights full of darkness,
Teaching me how to just keep calm and survive,
I see full moons and new moons,
Both showing me the phases of life,
But both giving me the next direction to strive,
Made friends with water and winds,
Who made me float, flow and swing,
Gave me the pathway to my life ahead,
Figuring out what, how, where next,
Now there was no looking back,
Time to time, I stopped to rest,
At the land, my peace, my birthplace,
To visit my inside self, to look back, where it all began,
Full of fun with rush and craze,
Proud of my journey so far,
Being excited, scared but brave,
I want to flow, float and keep moving, keep raising my bars.

हां हैं अलग, पर गलत नहीं

हां मैं हूं अलग, पर गलत नहीं,
हां कुछ कमियां है मुझमें, पर अच्छाईयां भी है कई,
आप सब जैसे साधारण मैं नहीं,
लेकिन असाधारण होना कोई बुरी बात भी तो नहीं,
हां प्रकृति ने बनाया मुझे कुछ अलग,
लेकिन उसी प्रकृति ने ज़रूर दिया होगा मुझे कुछ विशेष हुनर,
हां मैं हूं अलग, पर गलत नहीं |

है मेरे जैसे कई असाधारण बच्चे बड़े और बूढ़े,
कुछ अपाहिज, कुछ गूंगे बेहरे या अंधे,
शारीरिक या मानसिक, विकलांगता हो कोई भी,
असमर्थ कोई नहीं, अपार क्षमता है सभी की,
बस चाहिए एक समान अपनापन और प्यार,
पढ़ना है हमें साधारण स्कूल में, 
करना है हमें साधारण व्यवहार,
कोई करता है जब हमें साधारण लोगों या जगहों से अलग,
मानो हम इंसान नहीं, प्राणी है कोई अलग ,
पर अपनापन,प्यार, हुनर, भावनाएं हममें भी कम नहीं,
हां हम अलग है, पर गलत नहीं ।

सिर्फ विकलांग या असाधारण नहीं,
अनेकों है जिन्हे यह विश्व स्वीकारता नहीं,
गोरों के देश में काले, या कालों के देश में गोरे,
अनेक रंग में बट जाते हम, फिर भले ही हो सभी भूरे,
एक जाती दूसरी जाती को,
या कोई धर्म दूसरे धर्म को,
एक इंसान एक इंसान को,
जब समझेगा ना सभी को अपना,
मुस्कुराएगा यह हमारी छत जो  आसमान,
पूरा होगा तब उसका इस विश्व एक घर का सपना ।