Let’s walk, my right brain,
And slowly we’ll jog,
Be ready to train,
It’s been long,
Since I took you out, we were at rest,
The logical left brain kept me busy being the best,
As if it’s the only way to reach heights,
It doesn’t know how much creativity we need to exercise,
In thoughts , and in life,
Math, science, logic, numbers, money,
All for sure very important honestly,
It’s needed to survive, but dear honey,
Its just the left brain, its not enough,
Its just a tool to live in present world,
But to live long, stay happy,
The real weapon is creativity,
The real game changer is our right brain,
Which lets us refresh,
Which lets us become much more than we think we can,
We are all artists by nature,
In one form or other,
Lets think, write, paint, play, travel, explore,
Lets do philosophy, art, music, dance and much more,
We’ll surely find a new person, our own self,
Who’ll be the happiest and the most selfless,
Let’s try everything possible,
To think creatively,
And to change ourselves better,
And make this world a place to live better,
Let’s seek happiness in other’s happiness,
Let’s serve the underprivileged,
Enable them study, learn and grow themselves,
Lets make a difference,
In all our lives, and others as well,
Let’s walk, lets exercise, come right brain.
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