
 The gift of life,

Wrapped in age,

The time unwraps,

For us , gives all it has,

The goods and the bads,

One by one,

Slowly and gradually,

Being kid to becoming adult,

Growing to be young,

Is all happy and good,

Excited to open up the future,

Every moment, day, month and years,

Always, getting something new,

But once the high has come,

And we keep opening up,

We find the flipsides of all,

That growing to be old,

Is all pains and colds,

As we unwrap more,

And get to the core,

Layer by layer,

Like a cabbage or an onion,

Starting to reduce in radius and sizes,

But grows in thickness and life meanings,

As we unwrap more and more,

We find the essence,

That it lies in the process,

Bruises and wrinkles,

Scars and tears,

Reality checks of lives,

Loved ones around us,

Coming and going,

In lives and in the world,

Living hard times and good as well,

Living happy times and sorrows as well,

Health and sickness,

But as we approach the end,

We find that the layers have ended,

And there’s nothing inside,

As there is no destination of life,

Its the journey of getting inside,

Layer by layer,

Touching , feeling every age and moment of life.

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