Happy mother’s day

 सादगी जिसकी आँखों में है

ज़िंदगी जिसकी गोदी में है

ख़याल रखना उस माँ का

उसके होने से ही जो तेरी ज़िंदगी है

शेर हो चीता हो या बारहसिंगा

कंगारू हो या फिर कुत्ते बिल्ली या हो कोई चिड़िया

हो कोई भी प्रजाति या इंसान, दुनिया भर में देश विदेश में,

माँ के आगे कोई दुश्मन ना ठहरा,

जन्म देने वाली , इस दुनिया में लानी वाली

ज़िंदगी देने वाली और जीना सिखाने वाली,

ख़याल रखना उस माँ का

जो ख़ुद भूखे रहकर तुम्हें खिलाने वाली

ख़ुद जागकर तुम्हें सुलाने वाली

ज़िंदगी के हर तूफ़ान में ख़ुद को तुमसे आगे रखने वाली

ख़याल रखना उस माँ का

उसके होने से ही यह दुनिया तुझे जाननेवाली 

तुम उसके आभूषण हो

तुम्हारे होने से उसकी शान है

लेकिन उसके बिना कुछ नहीं तुम्हारी पहचान है

क़र्ज़दार हो तुम उसके

जन्म से पहले से अब तक जहां भी पहुँचे

कोई सीमा नहीं वह क़र्ज़ अदा करने की

बस कोशिश कर सकते हो कुछ पुण्य कमाने की

बड़े होकर उसका ख़याल रखने और फ़र्ज़ अदा करने की

ख़याल रखना उस माँ का

उसके होने से ही तुम तुम हो ।

You're enough!

 You’re enough,

Even if it feels not so much,
Even if there is emptiness to suck,
Even if it seems too difficult,
Just believe in yourself,
You’re enough

When health is falling apart,
Or anxiety is knocking your heart,
When it feels left behind in life,
When you see a tough road ahead to drive,
Just believe in yourself,
You’ve already come a long way,
Far more than what you think,
You’ve worked so hard, for this day,
Cherish the good in the present, it’ll stay,
Feel the achievement of taking one day at a time,
Under estimating self worth is such a crime,
You’re much more than enough,
You’re amazing, loving, strong and tough,
That you’ll swim through this difficult ocean,
That you’ll surely survive the harsh seasons,
But taking it step by step,
Would make it easier to climb this mountain,
You’re much more than enough,
It’s okay to sometimes cry,
Let it out, feel the moment, needed to survive,
Take some rest, refuel yourself,
The next day is a fresh start,
Full of energy in the heart,
As it has drained the sadness in tears,
And the night has won over the fears,
Nothing can stop you now,
You’re amazing, you’ll fly high like wow!

Passers by

Passers by

In this world
Under this same sky

How many humans
In life, I’ve passed by
And to how many
In life, I’ve helped smile
Maybe less maybe more
But now I think, let’s at least try
To make a difference
In lives, of our passers by
Not to expect something back
But just to give this world a gift back
Some stay to give more
Or some thank and walk ahead
To care more for their passers by
All of us and them
If can share a smile,
A hope, a help, a good vibe,
May this world become happier
Full of hope for the better
Full of help for the needer
And full of good hearts for this wonderful earth!

Change : A rule of the nature

On behalf of each of them, who are struggling through the waves of discrimination, patriarchy and inequality to live our lives our own ways and define new norms in the society.  

I'm tired, I'm frustrated,

I'm crying, I'm afraid,

Holding so many things inside,

Caught up between what's wrong and what's right,

Or actually, what the world thinks to be wrong or right,

I question this world around, 

Why can't I follow my dreams

And do anything unconventional now,

Why can't we follow an unknown career path, 

Why can't we love and marry someone out of the caste,

Or why can't the LGBTQ community be a normal part of society,

Why can't the wedding rituals change for equality,

Why can't the marriage be an equal relationship, to change the old rules of society,

Why are the rules not flexible, that help the needs of new times to resolve,

Why are the change makers, the rule breakers boycotted by all,

Why can't they be accepted as they are, and can follow their own thoughts,

But I give up, I don't even care,

It’s time to stand strong and dare,

Hello society, If you are so rigid,

I am a thinker, an advocate of change, 

Will surely do what this time needs,

I'm on the verge,

Thoughts are about to become words,

Might be fierce, might be harsh,

But that's what they are,

I'll scream till the end,

That I'm not wrong, I'll build my own world around,

If not accepted by this world's harsh bounds,

But I'll do what my heart says, and my mind suggests,

New times should change the existing rules, 

The society and this world should accept, 

Else the generation will collapse.


 झुकने लगें हैं वो

फिर भी खड़े रहने की कोशिशें है

गिरने लगे हैं फूल

फिर भी कलियों की उम्मीदें हैं 

सूखने लगी है पत्तियाँ

फिर भी नयी आने की आस में

सिंचते हैं उन्हें रोज़ाना एक ख़्वाब से,

पानी और धूप तो पहले भी मिलते थे,

कुछ ज़रूरतें खाद दवाईओं से भी पूरी करते थे,

लेकिन प्यार, उम्मीद और ख़्वाहिशों से,

आख़िरी कोशिश जारी है,

क्योंकि बुरे वक़्त पे यही सब तो भारी है,

क्यों यह ज़्यादा प्यार अंत में ही छलकता है,

यही विशेष दुलार शुरू से इंसान क्यों नहीं करता है,

बातें करती हूँ मैं रोज़ उनसे,

काश सुनके उनमें कुछ जान आ जाये,

क्योंकि बोल नहीं सकते वो,

पर उनके जीवन की हमारी जो ज़िम्मेदारी है,

पेड़ पौधे, इस संसार में जान ले आते हो तुम,

बस देना ही सीखा है तुमने, निस्वार्थ के पर्याय हो तुम,

कितना कुछ सिखा देते हो तुम बस यूहीं,

हर मौसम में पुराने पत्ते फूल गिराकर,

अगले में नये ले आते हो बस यूहीं,

ज़िंदगी के उतार चढ़ाव को,

इस दुनिया में समय के खेल को,

उम्मीद और कोशिशों की शक्तियों को,

इतनी सरलता से समझा देते हो बस यूहीं! 

To the girls walking the aisle

 In the most beautiful ensemble of life

Under the canopy of flowers, walking the aisle

Along the lovely mom and dad, 

With full hearts, tightly holding hands,

Dear lady, 

Dearest women,

Sure, you are stepping in the wonderful chapter of your life,

Being married, to the love of your kind,

Starting the married life, together with pride,

Building a family, a home together, the new relationships,

Happy tears with excitement are always welcome,

But not the sad eyes,

That are leaving the home for the new life,

Of leaving a family, where we grew up,

Of leaving an identity, that took years to build up,

Home is not to leave, its to always stay,

Be it yours or the partner’s, 

The two homes are your roots, 

For the tree of your family,

Leaving, crying or any sad feeling thats only for the girl,

In this world of enlightenment,

Thats totally not happening,

All the things responsibility, efforts, 

Sacrificing, promising, compromising,

Ties from both sides, both partners,

Both the families,

For a wedlock to thrive, 

So go girl,

Stay happy, stay strong, stay true to yourself,

This is an equal relationship,

Give lots of love, and take all the love too, with pride,

Go girl, stand for yourself and live a guilt free life,

And oh there,


Dont let anyone dare,

Handover, takeover the rights of you,

Live for yourself, voice your thoughts, stay true,

You’re no object,

That one can give or take authority over,

You’re the girl power, the women warrior,

You are as equal as your partner,

In all relationships, personal or social,

In all work, homemaking or the careers,

In all the caregiving, parents or the children,

You are not moving,

From one home to any other ,

The fact is,

You and your partner, 

Building a life, a future , a family,

Taking both the families together,

Their values, traditions and cultures,

Bringing in both the worlds together,

And wrapping the gift of equality for the next generation,

My heart struck with a question today,

When my cousins wedding vidai I witnessed,

A little cute girl ,

Who dreamt her life, seeing her mother, all her sisters and masis,

Being independent, working and living for themselves,

Had so many questions about the wedding,

We tried to answer them all, laughing,

Her eyes were full of sparkle,

All time, enjoyed every bit of all functions,

But when this time she saw the ritual,

Asked innocently why is she crying,

Why is everyone else crying,

No one had an answer,

How to explain such an unreasonable,

Age old tradition,

That makes no sense now in todays world,

The older generations silenced and suffered,

The current generation grew up liberals, 

Are living their life but still ignored the hard stuff,

The next gen will surely question, and correct the wrongs,

Because they need the reasons, and the society needs to revolt and evolve!