I am you, You are me

I am you

You are me

We are one and the same

Do you see?

Do you really see?

We are all together

In this world forever

Just different souls and bodies

But all creating the same stories

Of life, nature and this earth

Working to make this a better place to live

For humanity

Not for just the self, or one

But really, for all of us.

What one does,

Affects the other,

And is also affected by the actions of other,

We all are parts of the same system

Just different pieces of a big puzzle

With every piece having its purpose

And incomplete without any other.

So I ask now,

Why treat anyone else 

Differently than ourselves 

Homo sapiens we all are

Equal and the same we all are

So why even think color, race, gender or any bias

Rich or poor, fat or thin, tall or short, 

Why matter,

Why talk about superficial things,

Bring in judgements and make lives complex,

Because deep inside, we all are just human beings,

When it’s as simple 

As being and treating everyone just equal.

So let’s live responsibly,

With humility, respectfully,

Conscious about our actions,

Because it impacts all of us.