
The immense pool of talented minds,

The lots and lots of passionate and intelligent kinds,

The perseverance, grit and dedication unbound,

The strong will to work for society, make an impact on ground,

The infinite efforts being put by these intellectual beings,

The kind hearts, grounded backgrounds, visionary human beings, 

With patriotism running through their veins,

Every year, apply to serve the nation, looking to work for this country's and society's well being.

Their everyday intense routine and the immortal dreams, 

With never ending studying and learning, and so much of sacrificing,

The future administrators, policy makers, officers, protectors, 

Looking to devote their life for the country and its people,

Extra ordinary they are, with a never give up attitude,

Firm belief in oneself, and the hope to make a difference, gives the confidence of such magnitude.

From another perspective, lakhs of strong brilliant youngsters,

With grit in their hearts, knowledge in their minds,

Sacrifice their crucial years, for an examination, one of a kind,

All the hardworking candidates are equally great ones to qualify,

But with the acceptance rate so less, takes a toll on all who don't reach those heights,

Agree that trying our best till the last point gives us satisfaction,

But so many precious years of these talents, struggling for a chance so low,

Are capable to do wonders, if given some more opportunities, to serve our nation,

The times have changed, The scope of everything gets bigger everyday,

The methods need to change, thinking simpler, going out of the box might give us better ways,

More inclusive we are, the more diverse, the more impact we can create,

More these talents pour in to serve, in different newer ways, the more progress we can make,  

Can bring together all of these skilled, impactful human beings,

To do good things for us, the society and our country, 

They can do anything and everything, to make this world, our nation a better place to live in .



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