Wow, What a life!


What a life!

We always say

From what we see

And just see

When we dont look within

People travelling all over

Buying rich houses and rangerovers

Living the happiest life ever

Having the best jobs and careers

So amazing all of it looks

The best pages of all the books

But the story is in looking more

Deeper inside, 

Where the self resides

There are so many pages full of stories

That aren’t the best in numbers, 

But the sweetest and the best life wonders,

A caring family, a loving partner

An equal relationship, where the values matter

Having real connections with in laws and relatives

Without judgements,the truest forms of blessings,

A healthy body and mind

A routine to follow and look forward everytime

Finding happiness in little things

Able to listen to the song within

And love every moment of life

Being true to ourselves and loved ones 

Able to express, happy and sad, satisfies so much

All the true to heart talks and moments

The true times when we pursue our hobbies

When we try to follow our passion

All when we be ourselves and understand the inner self

Is when we are the happiest

Feeling blessed in those precious moments

We congratulate ourselves : Wow, what a life!

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