Living life, conventionally or unconventionally

In this huge world of so many people around, both in reality and virtually , we all aspire to be identified and recognized by the world. We are identified by two things significantly, one is our work , what we do to earn a living, and the second is the world’s perception of us, what opinion does the world makes of us. Everyone is trying to be identified in one or the other way, either by finding something different in oneself , doing some unique work and taking the road not taken , working for something different, pretending to be unique, or showing to the world just the uniqueness amongst the commons. I am trying to ask a question on the behalf of a novice , who has just started his/her life in the real world, has just completed the education and is starting an identity of his own. There’s a huge dilemma for him regarding the world, that will the world accept him, his way of life, his thought for life? or reject him, throw him out of his unconventional life to the common man’s world? or he shouldn’t care about the world’s response and follow his own thoughts, be it unconventional or conventional. The question asks what qualities should we aspire to become, is there some clear definition of common or unique?, is living a life mainstream way not accepted, is being common something very easy and not valuable? or being unique has just the two options, either you come out with flying colors, or you get rejected because you are not the best in that uniqueness?… so the question this novice asks is what to do , to try being unique ? or try being a common? or be themselves and not care about the response the world gives?
A caterpillar, when born, amidst all the butterflies, has to follow a certain procedure to become like them, is bound to go in a cocoon , spend some time there, like every other common being in that world does, and when it comes out, when it tries to fly, it is its own choice how and where to fly, where to go, what flowers to pick as its friends in its life. I am just trying to make an analogy that for being unique in our own way and come out with flying colors, its really important for us to experience the common life as well, which everyone else follows, and not worry about what uniqueness, worry about how to be different till we have spent enough time and have learnt to be grounded. The common way of life teaches us how to be grounded and respect the world when we’ll reach colorful heights in the later stage of life. If the caterpillar wouldn’t have spent the time in cocoon, would have started flying just after the birth, he might not have been that stronger what he is now, or he might not be able to respect other caterpillars who are still in their cocoon. The experience of a common life teaches us a lot and that is where we learn to stay grounded the whole life. No matter how many unique colors we have, we’ll always try to spread colors in others lives, be it other butterflies, or other caterpillars.
The novice who asked the questions above thinks that being common and being unique are some important phases of life which everyone should experience. All of us are unique in our own way and should cherish that quality by spreading it to others in the world. Being a commoner is seemed as not a good way of life nowadays, but if we don’t experience and enjoy the commoner’s life, we won’t be able to see the world and the people with a different perspective. We can be both common and unique at the same time as well, when we think of the world by having the perspective of a common man, and what do we do after that thought makes us unique. Although, its true that we should always aspire to be better and better, but enjoying what we have is also really important. Living a common life and being happy and satisfied there is the best approach to life and will be rarely seen in the near future when no one will have time to spend their life enjoying because they would be busy finding the most unconventional way of living the life, just to be identified uniquely in the world. To be identified and recognized in the world, we don’t need to be the greatest, live the most unique life, instead, we just need to experience and enjoy the common life, respect others in the world, both commoners and specials. Living a common life and understanding a common life’s / common man’s problems and a thought to try to solve them will definitely make us unique.


ज़िन्दगी में निर्णय लेना होता है अत्यंत महत्वपूर्ण,
छोटे छोटे निर्णयों से होते हैं हमारे कार्य पूर्ण,
चाहे वह हो सुबह जल्दी उठने का निर्णय,
या सुबह उठके व्यायाम करने का निर्णय,
अपने स्कूल या ऑफिस समय पर जाने का निर्णय,
या छुट्टी लेकर अपने परिवार के साथ समय बिताने का निर्णय,
किसी अच्छे एवं मुश्किल कार्य के लिए हाँ करने का निर्णय,
किसी आसान लेकिन बुरे कार्य के लिए ना करने का निर्णय,
कुछ होते आसान और कुछ बहुत कठिन ,
दोनों ही तरह के निर्णयों से हमारा व्यक्तित्व होता बेहतरीन ,
कोई छोटे निर्णय , कोई बहुत बड़े ,
सब में होता है एक तत्त्व आयश्यक,
जो भी हो, निर्णय हो मज़बूत,
विश्वास हो स्वयं में , की मैं कर सकता हूँ ,
फिर भी अगर कुछ गलत आभास हो उसमें,
तो उस निर्णय को सही साबित करने का साहस,
अपनी शक्तियों पे विश्वास करना ही है अच्छे निर्णयों का राज़,
निर्णय कोई ना होता सही ना कोई होता है गलत ,
वह होता है बस एक समय , एक परिस्थिति, एक सोच और सिद्धांतों का परिणाम,
समय और परिस्थिति किसी के नियंत्रण में नहीं,
सोच और सिद्धांत जहाँ हो जाते है सक्षम ,
विक्सित होती है दुनिया, और यह ज़िन्दगी वहीँ ,
बदलता है निर्णयों का महत्व समय क साथ साथ,
सुबह के लिए जो निर्णय अति महत्वपूर्ण था,
वह शाम के लिए नहीं ,
बचपन क लिए महत्वपूर्ण निर्णय ,
बुढ़ापे के लिए नहीं ,
बेहतर है हम पुराने निर्णयों पर चिंता ना करें,
जो हमारे हाथ में नहीं ,
सोच और सिद्धांत अपने और सक्षम बनाये ,
जो हमारे आने वाले निर्णयों को दिशा दिखाए  |

The road called life

Life, a journey, not a destination
World, and its people, the greatest creation,
Life is like a road,
And the people, like vehicles,
All have their own source and destination,
All travelling in the same direction,
The direction called the time axis,
But no one taking it as a race,
Everyone moving at their own pace,
Enjoying with their fellow riders,
Some overtaking,
Some giving side to others,
Is the beautiful part to watch,
All following the same set of rules,
Ones breaking , suffering the penalty,
Some patient ones putting a step back, to resolve the traffic,
Some aggressive ones, increasing the traffic,
But finally, everyone reaches their own destination,
Some know the way well enough,
Some taking the help of maps, or asking others,
Some might breakdown in between,
Some might help others,
Some vehicles pick up the passengers,
The same drop the passengers,
Like humans pick up people in their life,
And drop some as well,
Small ones like two wheelers and autos,
like children in humans,
have a privilege to get a way out from anywhere,
being flexible like anything,
and some like trucks and buses,
like adults in humans,
have their fixed way and route,
have their fixed speed,
but they have to be like that , they can't be like small ones,
to maintain the traffic and the rules,
This goes on and on and on,
Everyone stops for some time,
Refuel themselves,
Continue again,
But no one stops forever,
This journey goes on forever.
Vehicles come and go,
But the road goes on forever,
People come and people go,
But the world goes on forever...

The question : What if?

What If "xyz"? What If "abc"? We always think and ask these kind questions to ourselves about our life and try to find an answer which gives excuses to our current state of life and our past deeds, these answers shift the responsibility of our life and our present state from us to something like xyz and abc that never happened. In simple words, we always try to hide ourselves under the blanket of events and circumstances that happened to us. Those events in life matter but what matters more is how we reacted to them and how we handled them which leads to the fact that these what if's are totally imaginary. Generally, how we ask these questions is something like, the what if's where xyz and abc are events that we take from someone else's life who is more successful . What if that event happened to me and i would have been more successful now. This way of thought leads us to excusing ourselves of our own life and give us a way to think in a very limited scope. Those xyz and abc already exist in the someone else's life. Instead if we find new xyz and abc's which can transform the equation of our life to a totally different meaning, then why not?
I think we can ask these what if's in another two ways which can lead us to a better and happier way of looking at things, with more innovations, with more satisfaction in life.
My idea to write this is if we use these what if's questions in our life to broaden our scope of thoughts, where xyz and abc can be anything happening under the sun, they can be a new idea for innovation, an idea to make the world a better place to live, an idea to help the society.
If we use these questions and try to find an answer, by ourselves, or by talking to other people, we can have an outcome which will surely surprise ourselves and the world. I would just say that where ever we are, we should pause, think and ask the what if and try to do some innovation which can make lives easier in this tough world.
Another way I look at these xyz and abc is the things that we are privileged with in this world, a normal human body, a normal living standard(roti, kapda, makan), a normal state of the country(unlike syria and north korea), a normal family. What if we didn't have even one of them, can you ever imagine living that life happily?, there are a huge no. of people in those situations too, who are struggling to have a normal life. And we, taking this normal life for granted, are struggling for an extraordinary life, more money, more power. If we answer to the what if we are devoid of  any one of these so normal things, we can't even imagine ourselves living this life in this age. When we take these normal things so granted and not value them, the life takes us granted and teaches us the values. I would just say that every morning, thank the world and family for giving you this normal life, and try to think about what we can do for those who are devoid of these normal life.
Being thankful to the world, and seeing it through a new angle everyday is a magic that we have and we should make use of it at the best.