The Journey : Between the two entropies

Travelling alone is exciting for some, peaceful for some, boring for some and a new exploration for some. By travelling alone, I mean a journey, not to cover some tourist points on a tourist place, or to check off the bucket list, but experiencing a journey. A journey that settles the chaos in our body and mind from the source and prepares ourselves for the chaos at the destination.
This journey might be a train journey, or a bike ride, or just a walk, but the thing that matters is being alone, which enables us to meet ourselves, introspect ourselves, read our own mind, write about our own self. The two people who can give us an unbiased and a clear opinion about us are , ourselves , and a stranger. While travelling alone, we can meet both of these people. Talking to the self gives us the inner picture of us, the thoughts we actually wanted to have from long time but couldn't because of the chaos outside. Talking to a stranger gives us a whole new world view , a new view about us , about our opinions, that helps us grow , that helps us evolve. Once a while, travelling alone creates an impact on us that lasts for lifetime. Introspection is the key to peaceful life, that comes when we are away from the chaos of daily routine.

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