
 ढलता हुआ सूरज

जब असमान के रंग बटोरने लगता है

सूर्यास्त की लीला फैलाकर धीरे से अंधेरा करता है

फिर असमान जब चाँद की तलाश करता है,

हमारी रात आती है

हमारा दिन ख़त्म होने की बारी आती है, 

लेकिन वही सूरज

क्षितिज़ की सीमा के बाहर जब कदम रखता है,

पृथ्वी के उस पार सूर्योदय कर प्रज्वलित करता है

हमारी रात आती है

पर किसी और की सुबह जागती है

सृष्टि के नियम भी अनोखे हैं

सूरज हो या चाँद, 

या हो सितारों भरा असमान

निभाते हैं हर रोज़ अपना कर्तव्य,

दुनिया के हर कोने को रोशन करने का फ़र्ज़ 

हर रोज़ तरह तरह से समझाते हैं

इंसान को धूप अंधेरा और छाँव का अर्थ 

जब हमारी रात आती है

कहीं और सुबह की किरण आती है

फिर वहाँ की अगली रात हमारी सुबह हो जाती है

क्या ज़िंदगी भी कुछ ऐसी ही है ?

सूर्योदय और सूर्यास्त की बारी आती रहती है

कभी उजाला तो कभी अंधेरा होगा

कहीं सूरज तो कहीं चाँद रहेगा, 

चाँद भी कभी पूरा कभी आधा रहेगा,

कभी चाँद भी ना रहकर अंधेरे में रहना सिखाएगा,

पर यह चक्र स्थिर नहीं

एक के बाद दूसरा आता रहेगा ! 

Happy mother’s day

 सादगी जिसकी आँखों में है

ज़िंदगी जिसकी गोदी में है

ख़याल रखना उस माँ का

उसके होने से ही जो तेरी ज़िंदगी है

शेर हो चीता हो या बारहसिंगा

कंगारू हो या फिर कुत्ते बिल्ली या हो कोई चिड़िया

हो कोई भी प्रजाति या इंसान, दुनिया भर में देश विदेश में,

माँ के आगे कोई दुश्मन ना ठहरा,

जन्म देने वाली , इस दुनिया में लानी वाली

ज़िंदगी देने वाली और जीना सिखाने वाली,

ख़याल रखना उस माँ का

जो ख़ुद भूखे रहकर तुम्हें खिलाने वाली

ख़ुद जागकर तुम्हें सुलाने वाली

ज़िंदगी के हर तूफ़ान में ख़ुद को तुमसे आगे रखने वाली

ख़याल रखना उस माँ का

उसके होने से ही यह दुनिया तुझे जाननेवाली 

तुम उसके आभूषण हो

तुम्हारे होने से उसकी शान है

लेकिन उसके बिना कुछ नहीं तुम्हारी पहचान है

क़र्ज़दार हो तुम उसके

जन्म से पहले से अब तक जहां भी पहुँचे

कोई सीमा नहीं वह क़र्ज़ अदा करने की

बस कोशिश कर सकते हो कुछ पुण्य कमाने की

बड़े होकर उसका ख़याल रखने और फ़र्ज़ अदा करने की

ख़याल रखना उस माँ का

उसके होने से ही तुम तुम हो ।

You're enough!

 You’re enough,

Even if it feels not so much,
Even if there is emptiness to suck,
Even if it seems too difficult,
Just believe in yourself,
You’re enough

When health is falling apart,
Or anxiety is knocking your heart,
When it feels like left behind in life,
When you see a tough road ahead to drive,
Just believe in yourself,
You’ve already come a long way,
Far more than what you think,
You’ve worked so hard, for this day,
Cherish the good in the present, it’ll stay,
Feel the achievement of taking one day at a time,
Under estimating self worth is such a crime,
You’re much more than enough,
You’re amazing, loving, strong and tough,
That you’ll swim through this difficult ocean,
That you’ll surely survive the harsh seasons,
But taking it step by step,
Would make it easier to climb this mountain,
You’re much more than enough,
It’s okay to sometimes cry,
Let it out, feel the moment, needed to survive,
The next day is a fresh start,
Full of energy in the heart,
As it has drained the sadness in tears,
And have overcome all the fears,
Nothing can stop you now,
You’re amazing, you’ll fly high like wow!

Passers by

Passers by

In this world
Under this same sky

How many humans
In life, I’ve passed by
And to how many
In life, I’ve helped smile
Maybe less maybe more
But now I think, let’s at least try
To make a difference
In lives, of our passers by
Not to expect something back
But just to give this world a gift back
Some stay to give more
Or some thank and walk ahead
To care more for their passers by
All of us and them
If can share a smile,
A hope, a help, a good vibe,
May this world become happier
Full of hope for the better
Full of help for the needer
And full of good hearts for this wonderful earth!

Change : A rule of the nature

On behalf of each of them, who are struggling through the waves of discrimination, patriarchy and inequality to live our lives our own ways and define new norms in the society.  

I'm tired, I'm frustrated,

I'm crying, I'm afraid,

Holding so many things inside,

Caught up between what's wrong and what's right,

Or actually, what the world thinks to be wrong or right,

I question this world around, 

Why can't I follow my dreams

And do anything unconventional now,

Why can't we follow an unknown career path, 

Why can't we love and marry someone out of the caste,

Or why can't the LGBTQ community be a normal part of society,

Why can't the wedding rituals change for equality,

Why can't the marriage be an equal relationship, to change the old rules of society,

Why are the rules not flexible, that help the needs of new times to resolve,

Why are the change makers, the rule breakers boycotted by all,

Why can't they be accepted as they are, and can follow their own thoughts,

But I give up, I don't even care,

It’s time to stand strong and dare,

Hello society, If you are so rigid,

I am a thinker, an advocate of change, 

Will surely do what this time needs,

I'm on the verge,

Thoughts are about to become words,

Might be fierce, might be harsh,

But that's what they are,

I'll scream till the end,

That I'm not wrong, I'll build my own world around,

If not accepted by this world's harsh bounds,

But I'll do what my heart says, and my mind suggests,

New times should change the existing rules, 

The society and this world should accept, 

Else the generation will collapse.


 झुकने लगें हैं वो

फिर भी खड़े रहने की कोशिशें है

गिरने लगे हैं फूल

फिर भी कलियों की उम्मीदें हैं 

सूखने लगी है पत्तियाँ

फिर भी नयी आने की आस में

सिंचते हैं उन्हें रोज़ाना एक ख़्वाब से,

पानी और धूप तो पहले भी मिलते थे,

कुछ ज़रूरतें खाद दवाईओं से भी पूरी करते थे,

लेकिन प्यार, उम्मीद और ख़्वाहिशों से,

आख़िरी कोशिश जारी है,

क्योंकि बुरे वक़्त पे यही सब तो भारी है,

क्यों यह ज़्यादा प्यार अंत में ही छलकता है,

यही विशेष दुलार शुरू से इंसान क्यों नहीं करता है,

बातें करती हूँ मैं रोज़ उनसे,

काश सुनके उनमें कुछ जान आ जाये,

क्योंकि बोल नहीं सकते वो,

पर उनके जीवन की हमारी जो ज़िम्मेदारी है,

पेड़ पौधे, इस संसार में जान ले आते हो तुम,

बस देना ही सीखा है तुमने, निस्वार्थ के पर्याय हो तुम,

कितना कुछ सिखा देते हो तुम बस यूहीं,

हर मौसम में पुराने पत्ते फूल गिराकर,

अगले में नये ले आते हो बस यूहीं,

ज़िंदगी के उतार चढ़ाव को,

इस दुनिया में समय के खेल को,

उम्मीद और कोशिशों की शक्तियों को,

इतनी सरलता से समझा देते हो बस यूहीं! 

To the girls walking the aisle

 In the most beautiful ensemble of life

Under the canopy of flowers, walking the aisle

Along the lovely mom and dad, 

With full hearts, tightly holding hands,

Dear lady, 

Dearest women,

Sure, you are stepping in the wonderful chapter of your life,

Being married, to the love of your kind,

Starting the married life, together with pride,

Building a family, a home together, the new relationships,

Happy tears with excitement are always welcome,

But not the sad eyes,

That are leaving the home for the new life,

Of leaving a family, where we grew up,

Of leaving an identity, that took years to build up,

Home is not to leave, its to always stay,

Be it yours or the partner’s, 

The two homes are your roots, 

For the tree of your family,

Leaving, crying or any sad feeling thats only for the girl,

In this world of enlightenment,

Thats totally not happening,

All the things responsibility, efforts, 

Sacrificing, promising, compromising,

Ties from both sides, both partners,

Both the families,

For a wedlock to thrive, 

So go girl,

Stay happy, stay strong, stay true to yourself,

This is an equal relationship,

Give lots of love, and take all the love too, with pride,

Go girl, stand for yourself and live a guilt free life,

And oh there,


Dont let anyone dare,

Handover, takeover the rights of you,

Live for yourself, voice your thoughts, stay true,

You’re no object,

That one can give or take authority over,

You’re the girl power, the women warrior,

You are as equal as your partner,

In all relationships, personal or social,

In all work, homemaking or the careers,

In all the caregiving, parents or the children,

You are not moving,

From one home to any other ,

The fact is,

You and your partner, 

Building a life, a future , a family,

Taking both the families together,

Their values, traditions and cultures,

Bringing in both the worlds together,

And wrapping the gift of equality for the next generation,

My heart struck with a question today,

When my cousins wedding vidai I witnessed,

A little cute girl ,

Who dreamt her life, seeing her mother, all her sisters and masis,

Being independent, working and living for themselves,

Had so many questions about the wedding,

We tried to answer them all, laughing,

Her eyes were full of sparkle,

All time, enjoyed every bit of all functions,

But when this time she saw the ritual,

Asked innocently why is she crying,

Why is everyone else crying,

No one had an answer,

How to explain such an unreasonable,

Age old tradition,

That makes no sense now in todays world,

The older generations silenced and suffered,

The current generation grew up liberals, 

Are living their life but still ignored the hard stuff,

The next gen will surely question, and correct the wrongs,

Because they need the reasons, and the society needs to revolt and evolve! 


 पानी महँगा हो रहा है

कोई बात नहीं, कुछ और पैसे देके आ जाएगा

पानी और महँगा हो रहा है

तो क्या हुआ

कुछ और ज़्यादा पैसे देके आ जाएगा

पानी कम हो रहा है

कोई नहीं

कहीं और से टैंकर आ जाएगा

तरीक़े जुगाड़ और पैसे से सब हो जाएगा

पर किसीने सोचा भी है, कि गरीब कहाँ जाएगा

कहाँ से और पैसे जुगाड़ या तरीक़े लाएगा

क्या वह प्यासा ही मर जाएगा

दूर दूर से पानी भर के पैदल लाते हैं जो रोज़ 

क्या वह अब भरी गर्मी में और दूर जा पाएगा 

या फिर कहीं पास से ख़राब पानी पीने को मजबूर हो जाएगा 

सब है उनमें, बूढ़े बच्चे महिलाएँ जवान , 

वह सब भी तो है बाक़ी सब जैसे इंसान

होते रहे गरीब बीमार, भूखे प्यासे लाचार, 

क्या ही कहें अब, ना ही छोड़ा इंसान ने नदी नालों झील समंदर को

डूबते जा रहें इन सब में जो इंसानी प्रगति के कचरे को

कब इस दुनिया में इंसानियत और प्रकृति का सम्मान हो पाएगा 

Summer is here, lets go to swimming class

Rivers, Lakes, Oceans sucking in all the bad mass

How ironic it is, 

The lakes smell dirty and pools are clean as glass

Hopefully, we become well aware soon

When we say, the summer is here

Lets save water, donate, take care of unprivileged 

Lets be trash conscious, and not pollute

The earth is for us, we are for the earth too! 

थोड़ा कम

 कुछ कम बनी थी घर में रोटी सब्ज़ी

और चटनी भी कुछ कम थी

पर जब जाना सबने और परोसी अपनी थाली

पेट भर के खाया सबने , उँगलियाँ भी चाटी

लेकिन हुआ आश्चर्य सबको, 

की सबके खाने के बाद भी बच गई रोटी सब्ज़ी और चटनी,

अपनों के लिए कम ना हो सोचकर,

बिना कहे लिया सबने थोड़ा कम,

मन में आया कुछ ऐसा ख़याल

क्या दुनिया नहीं है अपना परिवार

काश हम सब इस दुनिया को घर माने,

समझे और जाने ,

की कुछ कम बचे है पानी, तेल और संसाधन अनेक

और बहुत कुछ ख़त्म हो रहा इस संसार में,

सब थोड़ा कम कम ले ताकि कुछ नसीब हो सभी को

जो हैं इंसान इस धरती पर और जो है आने वाली पीढ़ियों तक,

थोड़ा कम ख़रीदें, कम फेकें, कम कचरे में जाये,

और कम में भी खुश रहने की कोशिश हो पाये ।

Wow, What a life!


What a life!

We always say

From what we see

And just see

When we dont look within

People travelling all over

Buying rich houses and rangerovers

Living the happiest life ever

Having the best jobs and careers

So amazing all of it looks

The best pages of all the books

But the story is in looking more

Deeper inside, 

Where the self resides

There are so many pages full of stories

That aren’t the best in numbers, 

But the sweetest and the best life wonders,

A caring family, a loving partner

An equal relationship, where the values matter

Having real connections with in laws and relatives

Without judgements,the truest forms of blessings,

A healthy body and mind

A routine to follow and look forward everytime

Finding happiness in little things

Able to listen to the song within

And love every moment of life

Being true to ourselves and loved ones 

Able to express, happy and sad, satisfies so much

All the true to heart talks and moments

The true times when we pursue our hobbies

When we try to follow our passion

All when we be ourselves and understand the inner self

Is when we are the happiest

Feeling blessed in those precious moments

We congratulate ourselves : Wow, what a life!

ख़ुशबू, वो छोटे शहरों की

 वो ख़ुशबू उस गाँव की,

खेतों के खुले मैदान की,

सुहानी बारिश की मिट्टी की,

या कड़ी ठंड में सिगड़ी की,

मलाई से घी बनने की,

या घी से हलवा बनने की,

समोसे कचौड़ियों की लारियों की,

हर सुबह घर दुकाने और मंदिरों से अगरबत्तियों की,

कुएं के अंदर के पानी की,

वो सारी ख़ुशबूएँ, 

बस बन गई है अब सुंदर यादें,

कहाँ नसीब हैं अब वह सब,

जो दिलाये याद वह गाँव या छोटे शहर वाला घर,

बस रह गयी है मन में याद बन,

रहते हम जो सब बड़े शहर में अब,

शहर की बात करें तो नाक बंद हो जाते हैं,

क्योंकि अब फेफड़ों के अंदर तक भी,

इस विकासी प्रदूषण के कण पहुँच ही जाते हैं,

गाड़ियों से भरी सड़के, धुएँ से भारी हवाएँ,

समझ नहीं आता, नौकरी करे या सब छोड़ वापस चले जायें,

कच्ची सड़कों को पक्की और साफ़ कर क्या ग़ज़ब का काम किया,

लेकिन उन्हीं सड़कों पे प्लास्टिक फेंक इंसान का नाम बदनाम किया,

प्लास्टिक से अच्छी तो मिट्टी  ही थी,

कच्ची थी लेकिन धरती की दुश्मन तो नहीं थी,

घी की ख़ुशबू तो क्या, देसी घी मिलना मुश्किल हो गया,

क्योंकि हमारा समय घी बनाने के लिए बहुत क़ीमती हो गया,

हलवे समोसे कचौड़ियों की ख़ुशबू तो अब सिर्फ़ चिमनी को मिलती है,

क्या करें, गुड हो या शहद, आटा दाल चावल, तेल हो या चीनी,

कुछ भी बिना मिलावट के पता नहीं कहाँ मिलती है,

क्या व्यापार का बाज़ार है,

आमला पुदीना जैसी चीज़ें भी गोलियों में बंधी मिलती है,

क्या ख़रीदे क्या खायें, समझ नहीं आता,

कुछ मिलने लगा है आजकल आर्गेनिक के नाम पे,

लेकिन क्या सच्चाई क्या है विज्ञापन, पहचानना मुश्किल हो जाता,

बाहर ढूँढने निकलो तो रस मलाई से ज़्यादा tres leches की दुकाने दिखती हैं,

कंदा भज्जी या प्याज़ के पकौड़े से ज़्यादा onion rings मिलती है,

पुराने देशी व्यंजन की जगह पास्ता पिज़्ज़ा ने जो ले ली है,

हलवे लड्डू और चिक्किओं से ज़्यादा केक पैस्ट्रिज मिलती है,

वह ख़ुशबू और सर्दियों के देशी खाने को अब ज़ुबान तरसती है ।

काश हमारा वक़्त उतना महँगा ना होता

पैसे कमाने

पहचान बनाने

घर से दूर जो हम चले आते 

बड़ी सी दुनिया में ख़ुद को छोटे से बड़ा बनाने आते 

अपने आप को यहाँ ढूँढते ढूँढते 

खो जाते हैं हम रोज़ अपने बारे में सोचते सोचते

बड़ा बनने की ख्वाहिश 

में पीछे रह जाती है छोटी छोटी ख़ुशियों की फ़रमाइश

काश हम उन्हें भी महसूस कर पाते

काश हम उतना ही दूर जाते

जहां से घर वापसी की महंगाई ना आंकते

काश हम इतने ही पैसे कमाते

कि अपनों के लिए वक्त बिताने के लिए वक्त बचा पाते

काश हम में से कुछ लोग फिर से घर जाते 

और उस छोटी सी दुनिया के लिए कुछ कर पाते

उसको बड़ा बनाने की कोशिश कर पाते

जहां अपनों के साथ रह पाते

और रिश्ते और वक्त को ना नापते

उन्हें अमूल्य समझ पाते

काश हमारा वक़्त उतना महँगा ना होता

कि किसी की मदद करने में दोबारा ना सोचता

कि फ़ोन छोड़कर इंसानों के साथ वक्त बिताने में संकोच ना करता

कि अपनी सेहत के लिए वक्त निकालने में आलास ना करता

काश हमारा वक्त उतना महँगा ना होता

कि ख़ुद के हाथ का खाना ईद के चाँद सा नसीब ना होता

कि दो पल सब्ज़ी वाले को मुस्कुराकर धन्यवाद करना भी आसान होता

कि दो पल किसी से ठहरके बात करना भी मामूली सा होता ।

Where’s all that money

The money paid in huge taxes

The money gained by underworld bosses

The money dropped in big temple donation boxes

Yet people dying of hunger and poverty

Yet slums lack of basic amenities 

Yet a child underprivileged unable to study

Yet the homeless living on streets dirty

Yet there is so much distress in the country

Where’s gone all that money

One side of the road there’s a five star hotel

The other side of the story a colony of slum tells

The first one richies pay to come to stay

For experiencing luxury they say

The other feels luxury if they have two meals a day

And wonder if they have enough for the house rent to pay

That road really tells the harsh truths of this world

The opposite sides 

Stay forever in my eyes

All the emotions that this consumerism has burnt

The socialists are vanishing by this capitalist world

What the future sits ahead, seems humanity will never be served.

Too much !

Too much light

Makes us blind

Too much dark

Makes our senses find

Find all the ways, up or down, left or right,

Our eyes adjust in some time

And we’re able to see in the dark night

Too much light

Makes us blind

Too much of any damn thing

That we get in too little effort or timing

Makes us lose the strength taking that in

Too much money

In lottery, or without working its worth,

Makes us lose that fast, dear honey!

Too much fun

Without limits or a reason

Makes it boring soon enough

Too much happiness

And we take it for granted

Too many sad turns

Makes us immune to emotions

Too much light

Makes us blind

Too much food

Makes us a fat dude

Too much of work

Makes our bodies stuck

Too much shopping

Makes our pockets dropping

Too many clothes, objects and all things material

Make our homes and wardrobes all smaller

Too many of screens and gadgets around

Makes us depend on them and be bound

Too many subscriptions, emails or groups

Makes our minds and mailboxes chaotic troops

Too much content consumption in a day

Makes us burnt out in all the wrong ways

The list is endless

But just to make ourselves aware

Too much of anything is just a phase

And leaves us nothing after it goes away

The impact and value is in quality that stays

Doesn’t matter doing more or less, 

What matters is having a meaning and a difference to make.

For the better! 


नोट जो बरसते मंदिरों के दानपेटियों में

कुछ छुट्टे मिल जाते 

जो कुछ ज़रूरतमंद का भला कर पाते

मंदिर का आँगन , दीवार , और आलीशान करने से पहले,

कुछ पैसे कुछ अच्छे काम आ जाते,

बाहर भूखे गरीब बच्चों को खाने के 

ठंड में उनको कम्बल के

उनके स्कूल में एडमिशन के

कुछ छुट्टे मिल जाते

भगवान के ही पैसों से 

उनपर भगवान कुछ कृपा कर पाते।

नोट जो खिसकते सरकारी मेज़ों के नीचे से

या पर्दों के पीछे से

कुछ छुट्टे बच जाते

सरकारी स्कूलों के कमरे बन जाते

एक कक्षा को एक शिक्षक और किताबें नसीब हो जाती

गरीब बच्चे भी कुछ ठीक से पढ़ पाते

कुछ छुट्टे बच जाते

वह पैसे सही जगह पहुँच पाते,

अस्पाताल कुछ साफ़ नज़र आते

दवाइयाँ कुछ सस्ती मिल जाती 

गरीब की जान को भी जान समझ पाते 

वह सरकारी अस्पताल भी सबका इलाज कर पाते ।

नोट जो गरजते हैं चुनाव से पहले

काश चुनाव के बाद बरस भी पाते

बारिश भी बरसने में भेदभाव नहीं करती

नदियाँ भी बहने में पक्षपात नहीं करती,

काश इसी तरह सरकार और सभी उपरवाले,

समानता से सबका भला कर पाते ।


Children dying,

Mothers crying,

Fathers leaving,

Orphans screaming,

Are you listening?

Are your hearts not chilling ?

Killing innocents ?

Lands full of bloodshed,

Tears flowing everywhere,

The war full of ignorance,

Not fair, 

Totally unfair!

Fights amongst the powers,

For whatever damn reason,

Not humane to do random bomb showers,

Humanity is to coexist and stay,

Not like animals,

Where predators just hunt and kill the prey.

The kings and the braves,

Come out to talk, resolve and save,

Work for the greater good and find a way,

The ones who come to only fire and fight,

Killing the innocents,

Just to prove themselves,

Are cowards,

Not humans, nowhere near the species’ pride.

झील बनी शमशान

इतनी सुंदर , झील अनोखी,

घर से सिर्फ़ १० मिनट की दूरी,

रोज़ का था हमारा आना जाना,

लगता सृष्टि और प्रकृति का हो ख़ज़ाना,

कभी सुबह के सूर्योदय की रोशनी,

कभी शाम के सूर्यास्त की लाली,

चिड़ियों का कूदना चहकना,

बतख़ों का गोते लगाना,

मछलियों और कछुओं का लुका छुपी खेलना,

फ़ुल पौधों का हो वह जैसे राजघराना,

प्यारी सी थी वह जगह,

बसती हमारे दिल में धड़कन की तरह,

रहता मन हमारा वहाँ, 

खींचे चले जाते रोज़ उसी राह,

लेकिन एक रोज़ की है बात,

बिछाई चटाई, बैठे दोस्तों के साथ,

दिखी एक मछली थी मरी,

दुख हुआ , लगा कोई पक्षी की शिकार है हुई,

फिर देखा कईं और मछलियाँ है झील में पड़ी,

आगे चलते चलते भर आया दिल, 

लगा जैसे एक स्वर्ग सी जगह गई शहरी विकास के पापों से मिल,

पक्षी का नहीं, पूरी झील हुई unsustainable development और untreated waste की शिकार,

प्रकृति की ख़ुशबू बनी उदासी की बदबू, नम हुई आँख़ें,

पता किया तो समझ में आया इस अनहोनी का कारण,

बस एक गलती, ले डूबी प्रकृति को, बनाया सब कुछ हानिकारक,

प्रदूषित पानी जानलेवा पदार्थ लेकर मिल गया था उस झील के सुंदर पानी में,

निकला था किसी इंसानी बस्ती के नाले से, 

लगा जैसे इंसान ने बनाया खूबसूरत सृष्टि को शमशान,

दम घुटते हुए देखा , उनको जो थी सब जानें नादान,

आया ग़ुस्सा हर उस अप्राकृतिक पदार्थ पर,

जो हम इंसान बिना सोचे करते उपयोग, प्रयोग 

और फेंकते इस धरती पर,

एक एक क़दम हमारा,

दुनिया के विकास की ओर,

जितना भी हम लेते इस धरती से,

उतना ही दायित्व है हमारा,

सृष्टि की सुरक्षा की ओर,

यदि हमारी वजह से होगी यह धरती बीमार,

तो अवश्य होगा इंसान पे पलटवार,

भूकंप, अकाल, प्रदूषण, बाढ़,

सृष्टि की लीला है अपरंपार,

बनाया हमें इस सृष्टि ने , 

दिया इंसानों को दिमाग़,

बाक़ी प्राणियों की सुरक्षा के हैं हम ज़िम्मेदार,

फ़र्ज़ है हमारा इस सृष्टि का संरक्षण ,

 है यह सबसे अनमोल रतन,

आएँ हर दिन सोच समझ के बिताएँ,

इस धरती को अपनी माता कहलायें,

कि जितना लें, उससे ज़्यादा देने की कोशिश की जाये,

Reduce reuse recycle को practice में लाए ।

Independence Day!

Mongols, Afghans, Mughals,

British, French, Portugals,

Invaded so many,

Dictated for years plenty,

With courage we fought,

Some won and some lost,

Be any battle or a war anytime,

Our leaders and fighters roared every time, 

From Swords and horses,

To tanks and bullets,

The journey was a thorny road,

To this new independent India,

In which we now freely roam.

Lot thankful and full of gratitude,

For all who fought, with strength and stride,

To build this India, the flag we wear with pride,

Free with thoughts, visions and actions,

To aspire, achieve and follow our passions,

But there are new enemies now,

From who we need to get freedom now,

Let's ask ourselves how,

The ones hidden in forms of gadgets and all screens black,

The algorithms tracking and recommending us with all hidden hacks,

Influencing us to become into something they can own,

So they can sell us to the ads and earn so much more,

Moving the behaviors of masses for their own good,

Creating a world of consumerism, and all things unsustainable,

For nature and for human minds,

Where we run for happiness, artificially created by these robot minds,

Using our own , and our friends data,

To influence us, to buy what it says,

to visit what is recommended,

Everything already predicted for us,

To compare our real lives from social media,

So we get sad and become what they want,

In hidden but friendly ways,

So we don't even get to know what we would be becoming to,

The bands on hands, buds on ears,

The screens in palms, the lenses on eyes,

All luring us with their feature,

Creating false aspirations to see,

Giving us all fancy stuff and addiction in free,

Which humans would be glued to ,

So the business for them can run forever for free,

To sell us to the consumerism,

And we'd be bonded for life,

The revolution for the new freedom has to start now,

Freedom from these artificial robots , gadgets coming in as invaders on our minds,

Freedom from all thoughts regulated by technologies,

To become much more natural humans,

 That we are supposed to be,

Thinking and living freely, touched to nature,

And use the screens only for a better world,

Where the tech is the slave and we are the master,

Not the other way round, where the world is nearing a disaster.

Wondering how!

 In these crowded jungles of concrete,

Amongst fancy buildings of shining glass,

Living and working in opposite world’s hours,

Becoming high profile digital coolies,

Being around these modern world labourers elite, 

Robot like forms of humans,

With eyes constantly stuck on screens, even while walking,

Think that eye contact with co humans is awkward,

But its cool to ignore everyone and scroll reels,

Ears always packed with wires playing random songs,

Think that talking to co passengers , listening to their stories,

Is not cool enough in new ways of living,

Tonnes of petrol burnt by these automobiles of steels,

Creating polluted exhausted oxygen less streets,

All of them with three empty seats in each,

With one lonely human burning eyes,

Watching all the lights red,

All of above says emotions and connections are so dead,

Even in this wholesome virtually connected world,

We feel disconnected with the real people around our world,

Looking at these humans becoming lone working machines,

Wonder how the world will be in half a century.


 The gift of life,

Wrapped in age,

The time unwraps,

For us , gives all it has,

The goods and the bads,

One by one,

Slowly and gradually,

Being kid to becoming adult,

Growing to be young,

Is all happy and good,

Excited to open up the future,

Every moment, day, month and years,

Always, getting something new,

But once the high has come,

And we keep opening up,

We find the flipsides of all,

That growing to be old,

Is all pains and colds,

As we unwrap more,

And get to the core,

Layer by layer,

Like a cabbage or an onion,

Starting to reduce in radius and sizes,

But grows in thickness and life meanings,

As we unwrap more and more,

We find the essence,

That it lies in the process,

Bruises and wrinkles,

Scars and tears,

Reality checks of lives,

Loved ones around us,

Coming and going,

In lives and in the world,

Living hard times and good as well,

Living happy times and sorrows as well,

Health and sickness,

But as we approach the end,

We find that the layers have ended,

And there’s nothing inside,

As there is no destination of life,

Its the journey of getting inside,

Layer by layer,

Touching , feeling every age and moment of life.

Oh! Dear Mountains

Oh! Dear Himalayas, our pride, the beautiful mountains,

We, humans love you so much,

But this time of every year with such rains,

Our own creations destroy you so much,

You’re the home of Lord Shiva,

And monsoon is the season to worship Shiva,

But why we only love and worship

And don’t care about the young mountains’ hardships,

Floods in such rains are inevitable,

But our own stuff is making nature’s trouble,

But water is clever, finds its way out,

If you try to build in encroachments,

It will destroy and find its way out,

So many landslides in beautiful mountains,

Feels like it’s not able to bear what humans have done to them,

Joshimath is already sinking,

Soon, a few others will as well,

Young mountains, we all love you ,

But we come every year in huge numbers and harm you,

Lord Shiva, it’s your land and its saddening,

Bless this earth with your care and blessings,

Humans, let us all be sensitive and care our pride, our Himalayas,

Build and travel sustainably, 

For betterment of both humans and nature,

to keep for the times and generations ahead, the same beautiful Himalayas.

Turquoise waters : The harsh reality beneath the beautiful blues

Turquoise blue waters,

Such beautiful natural creations,

Gushing waves, with the sunrise and sunsets,

We go and sit besides, to relax and calm ourselves,

Holidays, we plan for our leisure,

Places, to witness natural wonders, we go for our explorations,

Travel, we do for our own vacations,

Seeing myself stuck,

Between my love to explore and love for environment,

Thinking about all stuff sustainable,

Finding it difficult to answer so many questions,

Asking myself and all our fellow beings,

Are we really protecting mother earth,

Or we are just shopping around, wasting around,

Touristing around spreading chemicals to kill,

The beautiful ecosystem, under the sea,

And above,

So mesmerising, but not to harm, only to see,

The nature, mother earth, 

Is to worship, not for hardships,

But the sapiens, beings with brains,

Harming the innocent living beings turning their homes into drains,

Huge tons of diesel,

Pollution and all the infra waste in marine,

For protecting human skins,

Beautiful corals dying due to sunscreens,

Went to Maldives, once having one of the best marine lives beneath,

But now, 70 percent dead in a few couple of years,

Touched by the grief of dead corals, we didnt apply the sunscreen next day,

Got all the sunburns, for months now they would stay,

Hoping that we did our thing to save them,

But no, its already very late,

As they are already dead,

It would take so so many years to again build those lives,

Thinking about this, feels like nature is crying,

Came back after the vacation,

To read a news that a shark ate a boy in red sea in Egypt,

Wonder why did the shark visit the swim safe beach,

Probably because it’s home deep in ocean was not safe as it had earlier been?,

Or polluted and disturbed by man made things,

Ships or boats or infrastructures on islands,

Anything unsustainable thats harming their habitats,

The nature fights back, 

With more power, than humans,

And would definitely harm our next generations,

Days later, we have the news of titanic sub imploding,

Extreme tourism they say, harsh but i say suicidal tourism,

Exploring amidst huge currents, deep in the ocean,

Is no different from tossing up your life to trial,

Tourism should mean to view, nature from far,

And just appreciating the beauty, like a star,

Smiling through, carressing nature’s forehead,

Like a baby to grow up good for generations,

Exploring places is amazing, but with a bottle of water to refill,

And leaving no plastics behind,

Trying to make choices sustainable,

Be it modes of transport, food, clothes or anything in mind.

So Grateful!

Waking up seeing the sun rising,

Feels grateful, for the light shining,

Opening my eyes, seeing my family around,

Feels grateful, for the love unbound,

Walking by, hearing the lovely birds' chirping,

Feels grateful, for the beautiful nature’s music,

Being healthy, around a healthy family,

Feels grateful, to be able to have good food and water daily,

Being able to work with honesty,

Feels grateful, for the values and ideals taught to us,

Being able to see and talk to our parents and grandparents,

Feels grateful, to be able to listen to years of experience,

Watching the moon, full and new,

Feels grateful, to learn from nature, the world view, 

Having a daily routine, with life personally and at work,

Feels grateful, able to be at mental peace,

Living and finding happiness in small moments,

Feels grateful, to be happy with loved ones.

Having tea and pakodas in pyaari si baarish,

Feels grateful, to smile through life and make memories to cherish,

Not having a list of todos, or a tight schedule for weekends or weekdays, just lost in time talking with loved ones,

Feels grateful, to the most special little things that we have tonnes,

Travelling across the country and the world,

Feels grateful, to be able to experience so many adventures,

Live in diverse areas and situations,

Talk to so many cultures and people,

Listening so many languages and watching so many natural creations,

Feels grateful for everything in life,

But most importantly, mental and physical health and happiness in life!

Lets travel together

Holding your hands in my hands,

Walking through the plains, hills, mountains,

Your arms caressing my arms,

Strolling by the beach, listening to waves,

Walking through forests, rivers and caves, 

In all the mystic forms of lovely nature, 

Cuddling in winters, Dancing in rains, and enjoying the sunny summers,   

You are my moon, my shining sun and your eyes, my twinkling stars,

The loving thought in my all seconds, minutes and hours,

You are my love, my prayer, my music and my dance,

Just want to feel you in all the serene environments,

Amidst the beautful nature, staying in the arms of this lovely purest creature,

Lets set on this journey together,

To travel and explore the world,

And travel through life,

Slowly walking sometimes, flying fast sometimes,

But hands in hands,

Enjoying the journey and treating evey moment a destination,

Experiencing every moment in togetherness,

Quiet sometimes, rocking music sometimes,

But loving in each and every moment of happiness and sadness,

And anger and wierdness,

Smiling and crying,

Together with each other.

Father!! No words enough

Dear papa,

Thank you ,

For everything you have done,

To build us, grow us,

The values that you have given,

Seeing you made us realise the importance of being humble,

Seeing you made us the way we are today,

Seeing you made us how to follow one’s own ideals and values,

Watching you manage so many people and work,

Inspired us to grow and become like you,

To take ownership and responsibilities at work,

And in life,

To make decisions,

And then own them,

To analyse pros and cons,

Make a choice and own,

Every day at work, and in life,

I see you in myself,

And then do what i do,

And become everything following your footsteps,

Watching you made us being strong to our values,

Being opinionated and independent,

Being honest and grateful,

Thank you for all the learnings and experiences,

Watching you helping every person coming across,

And not thinking twice before sacrficing for others well being,

Thats what made us a person who is eager to help everyone in need,

And without any pride or prejudice,

Just working hard to earn a living,

And trying to make a difference in society,

By helping whoever is in need,

Thank you ,

No words are enough,

But thank you for making us who we are,

Our smart and intelligent and the best papa in the world.

Can write much more, so many qualities you have, 

Hopefully we can get a few of them and make this world a better place for us and everyone.

Was this believable then? Is it unbelievable now?

Was this believable then?

We pay for water now, to have it clean, 

But was being polluted, when it was totally free,

Most precious to life than everything else,

Water was valued much more when it was in abundance,

Is it unbelievable now?

Was this thinkable then?

Rivers were worshipped, 

They were the source for all, industries or households,

Have become the drains for everything now,

Is it unbelievable now?

Was this imaginable then?

We ask before going to friends,

Or think before believing strangers,

Everyone in the world was a family then,

Trusting anyone unknown was so usual then,

But even the closest become unknowns sometimes these days,

Is it unbelievable now?

Was this believable then?

We throw dogs and push cows out of the societies now,

Yea its for safety of everyone,

But looks like a drift in interaction of humans,

With nature, birds and animals,

A shift in the mindset,

We used to save rotis for dogs and cows then,

That they would come to our doorstep everyday,

But pets have become an industry these days,

So many die in transports and get sick in unhabitable environments, 

Was this believable then?

Is it unbelievable now?

Was this believable then?

We don't even offer water to delivery people,

Who get us food and all things essential,

No random people come to our homes nowadays,

The kids don't know how underprivileged were treated,

Food was saved for all,

Even the beggars were familiar,

Food and water was offered , 

Whoever came to our homes,

Atithi devo bhava, was in the hearts for everyone,

Elderly, Kids or Youngs,

Is it unbelievable now?

The way of living has become so structured and organized,

That we have lost the meaning of chaos and entropy in lives,

The standardised formalised way of living ,

Would build a very structured set of next generations,

Who won't be blessed with witnessing the diversity and randomness,

The meaning of humility and affection towards other classes,

Towards the nature, valuing and cherishing the gifts of resources, 

The real life is far from systemic, structured or organized,

It may seem at the first sight,

But its much more random, to make things better and it's on us to fix and resolve,

There lies a satisfaction to find happiness in the chaos,

That's how we grow and find goodness and stand tall amidst the uncertainties,

Structure the unstructured, find stability in inconsistencies,

That's how we learn to live a life that's full of ups and downs, 

Taking together and always helping everyone around.  

Finding and giving love and care in hard times,

Be humble and grounded towards the world at all times.

Forgiveness, the path to happiness

Forgiveness, the path to ultimate happiness,

It's as breaking the inner complexities,

As finding the simplest way to a peaceful heart,


As soothing as the sound of a river flowing,

Asking for forgiveness,

As humble and pure as minds of kids and elderly,


Like a big heart as the huge oceans taking it all in,

Being kind taking things as benefits of doubt,

That there might be someone’s some kind of story,

Accepting that there is and we dont know the other side of story,

Asking for forgiveness,

As pure as nature around us being,

Everything in harmony,

From trees to clouds to sky to sea to rivers to mountains,

From plants to animals to birds to humans to insects,

All coexisting,

Forgiving each other and loving each other as they are,

Forgiving and forgetting,

Lets us practice the act of moving towards enlightenment,

That everything is transient,

Nothing is permanent,

So why stress , why bother, both ourselves and others,

Lets press the button to reset,

Every night and every morning,

Live forward with a clean slate,

To write something new,

In the book of our lives,

Turn the page again,

And write something new again,

Every moment, every day,

Lets move ahead, forgive and forget,

Learn from past and present,

And just move ahead,

Without any issues in our heart and heads.

It’s unfair

 It's unfair

It's unfair when we tell the same age old stories and epics in the new world,

It's unfair when we have deep hidden footprints of patriarchy in our routine conversations,

It's unfair to tell the same story of Draupadi's cheerharan to the new gens,

Let's have Draupadi fight back on her own and become the queen in the new story,

It's unfair to tell the story of Sita giving agneepareeksha to prove her purity,

A women's purity is way above the thought of virginity,

A women's purity is to be confident, independent, opinionated,

Fighting all the norms and rules set to define her worth,

A women is a human, not an object to be questioned by methods,

It's unfair to what has happened to women historically,

Unfair on not having her own identity,

Unfair on moving her identity on marrying,

Unfair on moving from her family to some new family,

Rather we say creating her own identity,

Rather we say getting together two families,

It’s unfair,

When we say feminisim is only about financially independent women,

Rather we have a new feminisim,

Thats fighting for the homemakers,

They are the army behind the country’s workforce,

Enabling us to work full time,

A feminism that fights for the home CEOs,

Their rights, their pride, their recognition,

The efforts invaluable, unseen but with the most skills,

Logistics, inventory, operations and supply chain,

Of kitchens and homes,

Marketing, administration, 

Of their spouse and kids,

Budgeting and finance,

That takes care of us in hard times,

Project management,

In all the grand family events,

Product management,

In cooking delicacies,

Networking and coordination,

That pitches our families to a next level,

And gets our families all the opportunities,

Mentoring and training,

To live better in our lives,

And most of all,

Building the next generation,

That is grounded to roots,

But with flying colors in creation,

That has the values traditional,

But with a twist of modernism,

That sets an example for the world,

To move towards idealism,

It’s unfair

That they are not recognised well,

They deserve much more,

In money, awards and achievements,

They are rightfully entitled to have their share in the family income,

By the policy and the system, not by the ask or the needs

It would never be enough for what worth they are,

But its time now, value them, recognise them, award them,

For the precious time and invaluable efforts that they give,

They are the selfless army behind the scenes,

In building this nation,

Buidling all of us.

Its unfair,

That they feel guilty to live and spend for themselves,

That they devote for their loved ones every piece of them,

And not able to take care of themselves,

The time is passing , the world is changing,

But the concepts are same,

Its the new world,

There should be new policies,

New concepts,

In practice, not only in thoughts,

New feminism,

For the women not in the workforce, but in the real force,

Doing the real chores,

Making the homemakers financially and mentally independent,

Is the real fight for equality,

Not by giving them another job,

But by letting them feel they’re doing best full time job for the world


 A phonecall,

The news comes,

That they have gone,

Gone where, somewhere,

A soul disappears,

A beautiful soul,

A selfless human being,

A great person, who we have seen all our lives,

Learnt from them, loved from them,

If we’re plants, they are our roots,

Our own family,

Like a body part, an important organ,

Just left,

Without saying anything,

Left us broken,

Incomplete ,

An event in life that changes everything,

One day we have them,

Just another day,

There’s void,

A space left in home,

A bed empty,

A room without them,

But their feeling,

Clothes that they wore,

Their slippers and toothbrush

Their tea cup, plate and the glass ,

Their medicines, specs, almirah,

The sofa corner,

Their hands giving us blessings,

Legs trembling, still walking,

Their talks of experiences through life,

The pride of their achievements,

The learnings from their happenings in life,

Their everything,

Every emotion is still there,

But it all just became void,

A void,

That can’t be filled,

We just have to live with the empty spaces,

One day we see them laughing,

Talk to them, hold them,

Just another day,

We cant even see them,

Just one feeling,


But a voice calls from within,

That they must be in peace somewhere,

We could meet them somewhere,

When we would go in the void,

We wont be alone,

We would have all of them,

Please be in peace , stay happy wherever you are,

See us , bless us , keep us in your memories,

Wherever you are,

It’s all memories that remain,

Thanks for all the smiles,

All the doings in life,

But why, why so soon,

You just went into void.


Gives us a lesson,

To live life as a blessing,

each day, every moment,

And pushes us to take risks,

Do the impossible,

Till we're here,

In this world,

But not to worry,

even if we have to go into another world,

We would meet all of them,

Have them with us,

To live another life together.

Let’s walk, my Right Brain

Let’s walk, my right brain,

And slowly we’ll jog,

Be ready to train,

It’s been long, 

Since I took you out, we were at rest,

The logical left brain kept me busy being the best,

As if it’s the only way to reach heights,

It doesn’t know how much creativity we need to exercise,

In thoughts , and in life,

Math, science, logic, numbers, money,

All for sure very important honestly,

It’s needed to survive, but dear honey,

Its just the left brain, its not enough,

Its just a tool to live in present world,

But to live long, stay happy, 

The real weapon is creativity,

The real game changer is our right brain,

Which lets us refresh,

Which lets us become much more than we think we can,

We are all artists by nature,

In one form or other, 

Lets think, write, paint, play, travel, explore,

Lets do philosophy, art, music, dance and much more,

We’ll surely find a new person, our own self,

Who’ll be the happiest and the most selfless,

Let’s try everything possible,

To think creatively,

And to change ourselves better,

And make this world a place to live better,

Let’s seek happiness in other’s happiness,

Let’s serve the underprivileged,

Enable them study, learn and grow themselves,

Lets make a difference,

In all our lives, and others as well,

Let’s walk, lets exercise, come right brain.

Let’s all thank our creators

 Let’s all thank our creators,

The oxygen for our lives,

Each and every lady around us,

How incredibly, they build our lives,

The best producers and directors,

Who created us, shaped our minds,

The hidden leaders in our homes,

The Chief Everything Officers of our families and lives, 

Molded us the best possible way,

Made us what we are today.

Let’s all thank our creators,

The fuel and the drivers of our lives,

The army that runs to protect us everyday,

The workforce behind the scenes running always,

Who never stop, 

They do everything under the sun,

Possible or impossible, work the hardest and best for their families, daughters and sons,

The best navigators we could get,

The best teachers we all can ever get,

Let’s all thank our creators,

Every second they think of us,

Every minute they plan ahead for us,

Every hour they work for our well being,

Everyday they sow a seed of happiness for us,

No words can define the role they play,

No designation or pay can compensate even one second of their day.

Let’s all thank our creators,

Our women of our families, society and nation,

Who have been there always,

But now it’s time, for us to be there for them everyday,

It’s time now, to think for them,

Work for them , celebrate them,

Help them achieve new heights,

Get their hidden talents out to the world,

Let them shine, the future leaders of the world,

Let them think about themselves,

Make them prioritize themselves,

Give them all the happiness we can,

Because they are the ones who made us who we are,

They are the army who protect us wherever we are.


A teacher for us,
Like sun, and water for a plant,
Because of them, we are what we are,
No words enough to thank,
No gifts enough to present,
A full moon in dark night,
An all time hand to guide,
One who always puts others before self,
One person enough, against thousand books on shelf,
No technology can replace these kind humans in our lives,
Who helped us grow leaps and bounds, without them we couldn't have survived,
A teacher is an angel,
From kids nursery to school to college,
Imparting lots of learnings and knowledge,
Such inspirational souls they are,
Who build the next gen humans, here all we are,
They design, develop and create,
From kids to adults,
So many ideas in so many brains they initiate,
Teaching us kindness, purity and honesty,
Meanings of gratitude and friendships they give us in plenty,
So grateful for all who've driven us here,
Thankful to teachers in every form they appear,
The teachers in our formal education,
And the teachers at home, from various generations,
Parents, grandparents, siblings , relatives,
The teachers at work, our managers and colleagues,
The teachers in friends as well as enemies, 
The events in our lives, the wonderful teacher called destiny,
The hidden teachers around us everywhere,
Shopkeepers, auto drivers, maids, and all with who any moments we share,
We learn a lot from each one we meet somewhere,
The nature, the sun , moon , stars and earth,
The plants , animals, insects and birds,
Teach us the real truth of this world , 
Coexisting gracefully, helping forever and supporting others.

Thanks to all the teachers in my life, known and unknown,
You have made a difference that made me grow,
Thanks for all the learnings, because of which I've survived,
Thank you for teaching me live happily and thrive.

The memorable trip

Lot of excitement and confusions mixed before the start of the trip,

But meeting the group and saying hellos, my confidence got the grip,

It was all about four days of loving the beautiful nature,

And exploring the hidden wonders, people, farms and culture,

Travelling through wildlife sanctuaries, rivers, waterfalls and lakes,

Listening to stories from thirdworldstoryteller, getting lots of inspiration and knowledge,

A delightful time spent, making fantastic memories unforgettable,

An experience so special, giving our skin goosebumps and eyes sparkle,

Getting grounded deep in the forests, trekking amidst heavy rains,

Listening to birds and insects doing their daily gossip, felt the nature's voice in human silence,

Dancing in the farms, understanding locals, and swimming in rivers,

Watching the fireflies decorating night sky, trees and farms glowing with glitter,

The lovely rainbow spreading colorful magic in blue sky,

Raindrops and sunshine, hugging each other pleasing our eyes,

Lush green hills till the horizon and chilling clouds walking with us,

The wonderful Narmada, Mahal, Don and Saputara, and the amazing journey in bus,

The go green cousins going ahead cleaning the forest,

Motivating us all, to protect the earth and nature, for generations next,  

Met awesome people, made great friends, and the best storyteller,

Thank you all for the precious times and lovely memories we all had together.


The immense pool of talented minds,

The lots and lots of passionate and intelligent kinds,

The perseverance, grit and dedication unbound,

The strong will to work for society, make an impact on ground,

The infinite efforts being put by these intellectual beings,

The kind hearts, grounded backgrounds, visionary human beings, 

With patriotism running through their veins,

Every year, apply to serve the nation, looking to work for this country's and society's well being.

Their everyday intense routine and the immortal dreams, 

With never ending studying and learning, and so much of sacrificing,

The future administrators, policy makers, officers, protectors, 

Looking to devote their life for the country and its people,

Extra ordinary they are, with a never give up attitude,

Firm belief in oneself, and the hope to make a difference, gives the confidence of such magnitude.

From another perspective, lakhs of strong brilliant youngsters,

With grit in their hearts, knowledge in their minds,

Sacrifice their crucial years, for an examination, one of a kind,

All the hardworking candidates are equally great ones to qualify,

But with the acceptance rate so less, takes a toll on all who don't reach those heights,

Agree that trying our best till the last point gives us satisfaction,

But so many precious years of these talents, struggling for a chance so low,

Are capable to do wonders, if given some more opportunities, to serve our nation,

The times have changed, The scope of everything gets bigger everyday,

The methods need to change, thinking simpler, going out of the box might give us better ways,

More inclusive we are, the more diverse, the more impact we can create,

More these talents pour in to serve, in different newer ways, the more progress we can make,  

Can bring together all of these skilled, impactful human beings,

To do good things for us, the society and our country, 

They can do anything and everything, to make this world, our nation a better place to live in .



क्या करना है, क्या कहना है

क्या करना है, 
क्या कहना है,
करना बहुत कुछ है, 
मगर कहने से डरना है,
कुछ अच्छा करके कितना कहना है,
या कुछ गलती हो जाए तो कितना चुप रहना है,
सब कुछ कहना, सब कुछ करना है,
बस चुप नहीं रहना है,
सही होंगे तो बनेंगे मिसाल,
गलत होंगे तो समझेंगे दुनिया से, बदलेंगे अपने विचार ।

क्या करना है,
क्या कहना है,
या फिर जो मन को सही लगता,
लेकिन दुनिया को नहीं,
क्या वह नहीं करना है ?
कहने या चुप रहने के डर से,
या कौन क्या सोचेगा, 
सही गलत सबकी नजर से,
क्या यह सोचकर कुछ नहीं करना है ?
या सब कुछ करके, सब कुछ कहना है ।

कांच सा पारदर्शी बनना है,
बदलाव का उदाहरण बनना है,
समझना समझाना है सभी को,
जो लगता सही, 
कुछ नया करने की जरूरत है कहीं,
कठिन होगा समय, 
जब कुछ या बहुत लोग कहेंगे गलत,
ना होगा रास्ता आसान, 
पर मुश्किलों से ही तो बनेंगे हम सख्त,
अगर गलत हुए तो गिरेंगे, फिर ना उठ पाएंगे,
सही हुए तो गिर गिर कर भी उठ खड़े हो जाएंगे,
विश्वास है अगर खुद पे सही का,
तो सब कुछ पार कर बदलाव लाएंगे,
फिर ना कहने वाले भी वहां साथ खड़े पाएंगे,
प्रेरणा हो आने वाली पीढ़ियों को,
सच और बदलाव के लिए खड़े होने की,
सबको समझाके साथ लेके आगे बढ़ना है,
सब कुछ करना है , सब कुछ कहना है,
विचारों को प्रकट करना है, बस चुप नही रहना है ।

प्यार अपना है, प्यार स्पेशल है

प्यार अपना है, प्यार स्पेशल है,
यह कुछ नहीं, बस एक साधारण से दिल की धड़कन है,
चाहे वह अपने जीवन साथी का हो,
या कोई अनजाने के लिए हो,
चाहे वह माता पिता और बच्चे का हो,
या हो कोई celebrity के एक फैन का,
अपने काम के लिए प्यार हो, 
या अपनी प्रिय hobby के लिए,
चाहे भाइयों बहनों या cousins का,
या फिर दादा दादी नाना नानी या परिवार का,
कहीं भी किसी से भी कैसे भी,
बस वह दिल की एक धड़कन, प्यार है,
प्यार अपना है , प्यार स्पेशल है |

दिल, जो आ गए हैं प्यार के तूफान में,
कुछ, जो बिछड़े हुए शहरों की दूरियों से,
या फिर जो दूर है अनकही बातों के दर्द से,
या जो कभी मिले ही नहीं, उस शक्स से,
ढूंढना अपने साथी को दिल से , यह भी प्यार है,
मिल जाए तो कह देना, या बस अपने आप में मुस्कुराना,
बस वह दिल की एक धड़कन, प्यार है ,
प्यार अपना है, प्यार स्पेशल है |

जैसे हर इंसान का dna है अनूठा,
हर एक प्यार भी है बिल्कुल अनोखा,
चाहे हो पूरा, अधूरा या हो एक तरफा,
चाहे हो खुशियों और मुस्कान से भरा,
या फिर दर्द और आंसुओं से सना,
या फिर बस प्यार का इंतज़ार है, 
कौन होगा, क्या होगा, कहां कैसे , कईं खड़े सवाल है,
प्यार अपना है, प्यार स्पेशल है ।

एक प्यार जो life का सबसे important प्यार है,
जिसके बिना हर इंसान लाचार है,
जो हो तो दुनिया लगती बिल्कुल आसान,
और ना हो तो मुश्किलों से रहते परेशान,
वह प्यार एक इंसान का खुद से है,
अपने आप से, प्यार अपने मन, अपने शरीर से,
अपनी भावनाएं, अपनी बातों से,
प्यार अपने opinions, अपनी विशेषता से,
प्यार अपने आप से, अपने दिल और दिमाग से ,
प्यार अपना है, प्यार स्पेशल है | 

The moon motivation

We call the full moon full,
But we call the dark sky, not empty, but the new moon,
How subtle, beautiful and magical this concept is,
Hidden the meaning of life, universe and everything , there it is,
That every end is the beginning of something new,
And it's not the end, it's just a process,
That's meant to happen, not bad, just another phase,
A cycle that'll bring back all the good to you.

We wait for the full moon,
To soulfully brighten up the dark sky,
We wait for the new moon,
To see beautiful stars twinkling in the night sky,
One with the magic of a white sphere enlightening the world beneath the sky,
Even if it's not it's own light, 
Just reflecting someone else's, still blesses us, shows us all the way in night,
And one that even if it's dark,
Let's the stars twinkle, and make their own mark,
Even though dark, it's called new, for the new beginning,
For the times to come, with new happenings,
To make us believe, me and you,
That any end is not really the end,
It's always the start of something new.

लड़खड़ाता समय

है जो यह नज़ारा दुखों से भरा,
अस्वस्थ हैं सभी, समय जैसे लड़खड़ाके चल रहा,
बीमारियों का आंधी तूफान जैसे तहलका मचा रहा,
जीने की जंग में सांसों का बाज़ार बन रहा ।

Frontline workers, 24/7 जान हथेली पर रख,
बना रहे कईं इंसानियत की मिसालें,
लेकिन कईं और जगह,
बेयमानी की लपेट में जल रही मशालें,
दवाइयां और अस्पतालों का खर्चा,
हुआ जो इस भयावह समय में दसगुना,
रह गया गरीब की जान का मूल अमीर से दूर कितना,
व्यापार की सीमा न हो इंसानियत से परे,
धन से ऊपर काश सब इंसानों का मूल्य करें,
खबरों से अनजान ही बेहतर लगता अब,
नहीं समझ पा रहे,
क्या सच है, क्या झूठ का परदा, 
क्या अमीरों की साज़िश, क्या व्यापारियों का धंधा ।

जीतेंगे जरूर यह जंग, बस संवेदना रख घर में रहकर,
इन्सानियत के नाते, अपनी क्षमता से मदद करें,
प्रार्थना की सब स्वस्थ हो जाए जल्द ही,
फिर से मुस्कुराएं इंसान, यह दुनिया पूरी ।

Come! Let's see some secrets,

Come! Let's see some secrets,
That we all know, but tend to forget,
The secret to see the world, and look within ourselves,
To find and cherish all the goodness,
To observe and change the bad stuff present,
Come! Let's see some secrets.

Finding happiness in little things around,
Keeps our mind and body, sound,
Finding sadness in larger causes around,
Keeps our values, our life purpose bound,
We, the people can surely do miracles,
When we wear these invisible spectacles.

Happiness in little things, seems only easy to say,
But believe, it won't be so tough,
Let's think it in a simpler way,
It's all around, 
In a yummy breakfast with family, 
A delicious lunch with colleagues,
Or a simple dinner with close friends,
We are nothing, but really really lucky to have.

Under the warm sun or by a fireside in chilling winters,
Vacations fun and ice creams with loved ones in summers,
Chai and pakode in monsoon rains,
Green lands and overflowing dams,
The beauty of tress, hills, rivers, mountains and all that the world has,
We are lucky to be able to see, hear, speak, feel, do all we can,
There are human beings who can't do these,
Every minute, day and year, normal life is precious to have.

Watching the plants grow and flowers bloom,
At their own pace, so calm and cool,
The clouds, their ever changing sizes and shapes,
The sky, it's innumerous beautiful shades,
The lightnings, the rains and the snow falls,
Come in their own seasons each year, not to worry at all,
The sunrise from dawn to dusk of sunset,
The oceanic waves at their fullest on full moon to their slowest on new moon days,
Deciphering, what each of these trying to say,
Feels so much of goodness and inspiration it lays,
That everyone has to keep doing their own thing,
Whatever we do, dance or sing or anything,
We should just keep moving, 
Forward, embracing what we have, keep working,
For we all are a part of the universe, it's our duty,
For this world to run, each one of us is unique.

The next secret, is about finding sadness,
Where? in greater things around that need to change,
Finding sadness in causes, that are impacting the innocents,
The society, our values, the people, the future trends,
Being sad about these is the first step forward,
Working for a better tomorrow, for the greater good, is our duty, we can't stay coward,
Thinking of the sadness, there are many around,
One maybe in front of us, but same happening with millions, no count,
Someone suffering domestic violence, but not speaking,
A child working, but not studying,
Some discrimination in neighborhood happening,
On color, gender, caste or religion anything,
Kids and youth irresponsibly wasting time on devices,
Or social media creating in them extreme biases,
Poverty struck slums, barely making ends meet,
Climate change, pollution, The earth barely breathes,
Issues, there are many, a lot of food for thought,
Needs thinking, discussing, writing, working and much more,
For a change, an impact to be brought.

Art...Artists... The beauty of expressions

Hello artists, creating beautiful stuff out there,

Thinking of art, wrote something for all you there!

We write, sing or dance or act,

Paint, craft , do magic or any art we create,

I'm an artist, can relate to beings of similar kinds,

Right brainers, always in between hearts and minds,

We all, I feel are avatars of expressions,

Art is full of thoughts, a way of life, with beautiful creations,

I write to express myself, and if writing is an art form, 

Expressing thoughts and views is where the art is born,

In any way one likes, no limits it binds,

One question I come across every time I write,

Should I write for myself, or for my readers views and likes,

Will it be boring, common, preachy, or too disliked,

Or am I writing the same thing every time,

But this is what I feel, why shouldn't I write,

I feel this is my form, thoughts and expressions of my life,

Yes, I feel blessed to have readers giving their valuable feedback,

Lots of learning, improvement and positivity from them I fetch,

Art always grows, by both positive and critical comments,

The viewers, their time, interest and opinions are a treasure we get,

Thank you all for your time, appreciations and valuable suggestions,

Please keep reading, hope my work grabs your attention,

It's a lovely feeling, to express yourself,

Expressing in any way we can, really helps oneself,

Expression of thoughts sends positivity both outside and to our insides,

Art is beautiful, so are artists, and their hearts and minds. 

A cow, a plastic bag, and some thoughts around!

Something happened recently that really got my stomach hurt,

I was at a distance, ran and tried to stop it, but couldn't do much,

There I was, watching something that shouldn't have happened,

But it happens, daily, thousand times or more, feels saddened,

A cow eating a plastic, trying hard to chew, but couldn't, so swallowed,

Seeing it live, that plastic struck through my stomach, my heart it hollowed,

Felt like I too might be eating something that's harmful I never know,

Adulteration, artificial cheap stuff might be running the food business we don't know,

If not that, we might simply be drinking the milk from those cows,

The world comes back in full cycle somehow,

We're destroying the nature that we were born, and we depend upon,

The garbage, plastic, pollution or any harmful thing that we carry on,

Will surely harm us next, coz it's the same nature we eat, drink and live upon,  

Felt like it's us, we are the cause, for this blunder happening to nature,

It's not about one plastic or one cow, it's about every natural creature.

Be it an animal eating something harmful,

Created or used by us,

Or a bird, who is getting hurt, or losing it's home,

Because of the doings by us,

Or a forest or a tree that's destroyed, 

Due to actions by us humans,

Or this land, the earth, being dumped by tons of garbage everyday, 

Only because of us.

These creatures can't speak or think,

Can't do anything to control their surroundings,

But we have brains, can think, speak and act, 

And they are our fellow living beings,

The earth's responsibility lies with it's intelligent humans,

It's a duty, if not fulfilled, will shatter our mother earth and coming generations. 

A child, is a child! Education is his/her right!

 A child, is a child,

Born in a family or environment of any kind,

Urban or rural, upper class or lower,

Literate or illiterate, rich or poor,

For a child, education is a right!

A child, is a child,

If he/she goes to work in an industry,

Doesn't go to a school to study,

If he/she begs on the crossroads,

Or goes to work in the households,

It's not only theirs, It's our fight,

That we aren't able to get them their right!

A child, is a child,

The slums, the poors, the underprivileged rurals,

Won't ever come out of the sad spiral,

If their child doesn't study and learn,

If their child goes to work, for the family to earn,

The spiral will continue, the situation won't ever change, 

The next gen child will also face the conditions same!

A child, is a child,

Education is his/her right,

If you are reading this and remember a child,

Who you saw somewhere, working and not studying,

Then you are very heartful and kind,

If you are reading this and want to make a difference,

Find a child, help him/her start studying, 

Make this world feel your beautiful presence!

In a household poor or unprivileged,

Even if one child gets educated,

Can change the next so many generations,

In effect, changes our own society's conditions,

Gets the family out of the sad spiral,

A child's studies, then a good employment, 

The inspirations can surely go viral,

Do your bit, create an impact,

You can change the country's future in fact!  



Aren't we humans? Has our humanity surrendered?

Recently, an innocent little girl was brutally raped and murdered,

The reality strikes hard, but aren't we humans? Has our humanity surrendered?

A serious worry is that the world is not even worrying,

About what’s happening to our fellow human beings,

It’s not about one girl, It’s about every other person,

Who is being tortured or harassed, physically or mentally by another human,

Aren't we humans? Can’t we feel emotions and pain of someone’s cries?

Aren't we humans? Doesn’t seem far that our humanity completely dies!


This is about every being that we come across,

Known or unknown, friend or acquaintance, anyone in our lives we cross,

May be a hungry child on the roadside,

Or a blind person in the need for a hand to guide,

Or a child working in glass factory risking his life for a day’s meal,

Or an underprivileged discriminated person unable to find work,

Just because for the employer, his colour, caste, religion etc is a big deal,

All these people, even more, we find every other day,

We all already have empathy, just a little effort shall change someone’s day!


When even one human being suffers a pain,

Be it a rape, murder, harassment, torture, discrimination or disdain,

Or even the smallest of the behavior that’s inhumane,

Our humanity dies every second this happens,

The world gets shattered, loses its precious compassion,

The criminals should surely be punished the hardest of all,

Examples need to be set, by us, before the next generation crawls,

The laws should worry the most about justice to all these victims,

Each passing day the justice gets delayed, another criminal’s motivation kicks in!

Be it lawmakers, law implementers, a common man , a criminal, a victim or the victim's family,

Each one of us has emotions and pain, empathy and compassion, inside ourselves surely, 

Still these crimes are happening everywhere, criminals roaming freely, shouldn't we be shattered?

Aren't we humans? Has our humanity really surrendered?




Oh these flowers, so peaceful to eyes they seem,

Colorful beauty amidst the shades of green,

They come and go, fall and grow,

Tell me everyday is new and different,

Do your best, and trust the flow,

Some days, there are no signs of color and flowers,

But the beautiful buds afterwards are surely worth the wait of days and hours, 

When in lack of hopes, these new born buds smile and wave,

Thank you mother nature, what an inspiration you gave,

Feels like there's always something good for tomorrow,

Just keep working, it'll all be worth it, even if today's sorrow,

Watching them grow into flowers blooming,

Is like finding the meaning of life, watching yourself growing,

Each one in its own way, at its own pace,

Just keeps rising and shining, to find itself, enhance and then embrace,

Then when they bend, become pale and the colors move away,

The petals fall one by one, as if change is the rule of nature, and nothing is to always stay,

The nature keeps us grounded, to value what we have,

And inspires to keep moving, fly higher, work for good and be brave,

As life is a beautiful mix of good, bad, best and worst,

Happy-sad, laugh-cry, something last in life might have in it something first.


A boat's thoughts

Hi, writing this on behalf of a boat. 

I started, was scared, but bold and brave,
Left my land, my peace, having a lot of guts,
Where I was comfortable, but stuck,
Left the place, the land where I was born,
For the world, the water where I was meant for,
Got out of my stationary comfort zone,
For a moving experience, that was my own,
High tides, cyclones, rains and so many ups and downs,
But I kept moving, I kept floating,
Never let myself down,
There are days with sunshine,
Showing me what path to drive,
And nights full of darkness,
Teaching me how to just keep calm and survive,
I see full moons and new moons,
Both showing me the phases of life,
But both giving me the next direction to strive,
Made friends with water and winds,
Who made me float, flow and swing,
Gave me the pathway to my life ahead,
Figuring out what, how, where next,
Now there was no looking back,
Time to time, I stopped to rest,
At the land, my peace, my birthplace,
To visit my inside self, to look back, where it all began,
Full of fun with rush and craze,
Proud of my journey so far,
Being excited, scared but brave,
I want to flow, float and keep moving, keep raising my bars.

हां हैं अलग, पर गलत नहीं

हां मैं हूं अलग, पर गलत नहीं,
हां कुछ कमियां है मुझमें, पर अच्छाईयां भी है कई,
आप सब जैसे साधारण मैं नहीं,
लेकिन असाधारण होना कोई बुरी बात भी तो नहीं,
हां प्रकृति ने बनाया मुझे कुछ अलग,
लेकिन उसी प्रकृति ने ज़रूर दिया होगा मुझे कुछ विशेष हुनर,
हां मैं हूं अलग, पर गलत नहीं |

है मेरे जैसे कई असाधारण बच्चे बड़े और बूढ़े,
कुछ अपाहिज, कुछ गूंगे बेहरे या अंधे,
शारीरिक या मानसिक, विकलांगता हो कोई भी,
असमर्थ कोई नहीं, अपार क्षमता है सभी की,
बस चाहिए एक समान अपनापन और प्यार,
पढ़ना है हमें साधारण स्कूल में, 
करना है हमें साधारण व्यवहार,
कोई करता है जब हमें साधारण लोगों या जगहों से अलग,
मानो हम इंसान नहीं, प्राणी है कोई अलग ,
पर अपनापन,प्यार, हुनर, भावनाएं हममें भी कम नहीं,
हां हम अलग है, पर गलत नहीं ।

सिर्फ विकलांग या असाधारण नहीं,
अनेकों है जिन्हे यह विश्व स्वीकारता नहीं,
गोरों के देश में काले, या कालों के देश में गोरे,
अनेक रंग में बट जाते हम, फिर भले ही हो सभी भूरे,
एक जाती दूसरी जाती को,
या कोई धर्म दूसरे धर्म को,
एक इंसान एक इंसान को,
जब समझेगा ना सभी को अपना,
मुस्कुराएगा यह हमारी छत जो  आसमान,
पूरा होगा तब उसका इस विश्व एक घर का सपना ।


Driving through my street everyday,
A cow and a dog, sleeping, always block my way,
Some days, I blow horn, throw light,
To wake them up, and get them out right,
Some days, I take an alternate way,
Looking at them peacefully,
Thinking, let's not disturb them today,
Some days, I blame them for blocking the road,
Get frustrated, curse them, and wish they're seen no more,
Some days, I abuse them and wake them up by my horn and lights,
They get back on me, barking and mooing,
But those innocent creatures, trying and crying,
Get away finally, thinking this world is only human's rights.

All these days got me thinking,
This world , the earth , as a whole, coexists,
Then why can't we, as humans, coexist,
From wild shrubs to ornamental plants,
Thorny bushes to dense forests,
Wild animals , birds and even insects,
If the nature itself can coexist,
Why do humans differ amongst themselves I think,
Some black, some brown , some white,
Some rich, poor or any other basis of divide,
Some tall, short, huge, small, fat or thin,
Brains and hearts can never be implied by body or skin.

Coexistence is the nature's own law,
Be it human, plant, animal or even nature itself,
We can't , and shouldn't deny or withdraw,
All of us, are here to be together,
Living peacefully , respecting other species and lives,
Another human, plant or an animal,
Each one of us has its own rights,
We all are here, have our own different feature,
Some similarities, some differences,
On the outsides, and even insides,
The only option for us is to coexist and respect every creature.